Aug 26, 2008 15:26
Yay, something I can list!
Okay, my web browsing habits are as follows... These are all in order from most visited.
I open these up in tabs when I first get on to the internet:
Gmail (Have 2 accounts there so check both regularly... almost always have a gmail tab open whenever I'm online.)
Facebook (Checking the status's of my friends, new photos, etc.)
Myspace (Same stuff as facebook, but I also spent lots of time on here looking up bands and listening to different musicians.)
Then once I've checked those, I move onto to my other haunts.. (In order):
Livejournal (checking for new comments on my entries, then checking my friends page and reading all the posts made while I was sleeping!) (Catching up on all the news, duh.) (Don't post as much now, hardly ever really, but I regularly spend time lurking there. Been hanging around this place since 2003!)
I also spent a good amount of time on these sites:
Youtube (quite a lot of time spent here haha)
Deviantart (don't visit every day but when I do I can spend hours on there!)
Fanfiction (Same as deviantart, don't go everyday but when I do look, I look thoroughly. haha!)
So there you go. My main online haunts revealed!
...Bet you wish you could get your 5 minutes back! ;-)
writer's block,