Dec 17, 2008 13:30
"In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird.
Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal."
For those who may be wondering why I've been so silent, it's simple. My web connection is a tenuous filament, nebulous yet enchantingly lithe and evanescent.
Bugger all.
I can't afford it, you bastards.
Although, I can afford to buy the compleat Monty Python's Flying Circus DVD collection.
Because Best Buy had it on sale at half-price.
Cheap DSL is down to fifteen bucks a month around here, so I think I'll be investing in it. God damn, I am tired of having spotty internet.
In a off-handed comment that I'm sure will be broadcast over all Hell and half of Georgia, leading to much, much flame, I would like the opportunity to make this statement:
I am better than Two the griffon.
I am coherent, yet I have a sense of humor that is so chaotic, nay, psychotic, that I have caused people physical pain and loss of bladder control (An Actual Fact). I am quick to wit, honed to a razor's brilliance in tongue, and completely mad. In the words of my journalist friend Roger Yale, I'm an Equal-Opportunity Offender. Undoubtedly he's not heard of Two, but what can you expect? He's a normal person.
I ask, dear readers, that those of you who have had the opportunity to sample my wares, as it were, either in person or over the phone, please comment as to the validity of my statement. Those of you who haven't? Comment too. I'll prove it to you.