SPN- Big Brother is Watching You Deleted Scenes

Nov 29, 2012 23:11

TITLE : Big brother is watching you
CHALLENGE : spn_reversebang
AUTHOR : moonliteknight
ARTIST : xlostloonax
ART: Masterpost
PAIRINGS : Dean x Cas
WARNINGS : some mentions of homophobia
SUMMARY : Sam is trying to set Dean and Cas up. Jimmy is trying to keep them apart. Cas spies on Dean from bushes. And Dean might or might not be interested in Sam’s new blue-eyed, trench coat wearing science tutor. High school AU in which Jimmy is Cas' twin brother.

Part 1  Part 2

Deleted Scenes
The moment Sam decides to set up Cas and Dean:

For the record, Sam did feel guilty about taking advantage of someone’s kindness like this, but it wasn’t like he really had many other options here was it. he had to get into a good a college, and what better way to do that than to get into a good high school. And what better school was there than St. Angelo’s Private Academy. Yeah, it was as expensive as hell, but that’s what’s scholarships are for after all. And who better to help him out than someone who already went there?

In his defense though, he hadn’t planned it. It was all by pure chance. It was chance that he was at the library on the same day as Cas was. It was chance that he had a huge science project due in a month and everyone knew that Cas was a science freak genius. And it was chance that a couple of guys that he’d refused to do homework followed him to the library that day.

Okay, only the guys following him had been chance.

But hey, it turned out fine in the end. Cas was happy to save his ass, and happily agreed to tutor Sam, so Sam really didn’t have to feel like a horrible human being for taking advantage of that.

It took Sam only two sessions to realize that Castiel had some ulterior motive of his own.

The first time Cas went quiet when Dean came home and paused briefly in the kitchen to grab some juice (straight out of the bottle, gross) Sam thought it was a fluke. He’d already figured out that Cas was a pretty quiet guy, but maybe he was shy was well.

The second time the two were in the same room however, there was no denying the fact that Cas could not stop looking at Dean. At first, Sam reasoned that it had to do with the stupid rumors floating around about Dean. They were pretty stupid but he could see how anyone who didn’t know Dean would think they were true. Dean certainly didn't help with putting an end to them, on the contrary he encouraged them.

But no, the look in Cas’s eye wasn’t of fear or disgust. No, Cas looked at Dean, kind of how Chuck at school looked at Becky. Which was ewww, gross, because Dean. Why would anyone look at Dean like that?

Okay, a lot of people did, but Cas? Really?

Though it made sense why Cas had agreed so easily to tutor. Sam. His school was notorious for giving hellish amounts of work, but Cas hadn’t even paused to consider before agreeing.

Huh, Sam thought. As he waved goodbye to Cas at the end of their second session. He looked over his shoulder at Dean who was sprawled all over the couch, engrossed with the tv.


Jimmy tells Cas about Amelia (the blond girl)

“Let me know when the first date is.”

Jimmy still caught up with thought of the girl blinks. “Huh?”

“I need to make sure

That woke Jimmy up quickly. “Wait a minute, you are not coming with me!”

Cas gave him a blank stare. “You crashed my first date. I get to crash yours.”

“I won’t tell you when it is then.”

Cas shrugged. “Alright. I won’t tell you her name.”

Jimmy sat up quickly. “How do you know her name?”

“She’s in Dean’s class.”

Jimmy groaned and flopped back onto his bed. “I hate you.”

“Okay.” Cas said agreeably, and threw a crushed up paper ball at him. “You're welcome.”

The paper ball bounces off his nose. He unfolded it and stared. It was the complete class schedule for one Amelia Rogers.

“Cas, this is seriously creepy.” Jimmy said, staring at it. “I love you.”

Dean asks Cas why he’s always staring at him:

After the fifth time he caught Cas staring at him that night, he had to ask.

“Okay, what is it? Do I have spinach in my teeth or something?”

It’d just be his luck to have been walking around with a big ol’ leaf in his teeth on their first (real, uninterrupted so far) date.

“Hmm?” Cas seemed to take the question seriously. He leaned closer and peered at Dean’s mouth. “No, you don’t have any spinach in your teeth. Though I was under the impression that you didn’t eat vegetables.”

“What I mean is, why are you staring at me? Not that I’m saying I mind,” He added hurriedly. “Just, it really makes a guy self conscious.”

“Oh.”  Cas leaned back, his cheeks faintly pink. “I apologize. I did not intend to make you uncomfortable.”

“No, I just. I was just curious about why?

“I was counting your freckles. Did you know some people believe that freckles are the marks that remain behind after an angel kisses you?”

Dean’s face felt oddly hot.

Cas peered at him. “You’re blushing.”

“I am not. Eat your burger.”

Cas obediently took a bite of his burger, before saying, “I was named after an angel.”

Dean had the misfortune of taking a sip of his coke at that exact moment and choked.

“Is this your way of asking if you can kiss me?” He demanded, once he’d finished coughing.


“Dude, don’t ask. Just do it.”

So Cas did.

fanfic, destiel, supernatural

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