I don't update frequently

Mar 31, 2006 18:58

So, have you ever had a really productive meeting with a professor, only to look like an idot right at the end. Because I just did. Had a talk with my Zen professor about classes I should be planning to take, and it was great. Then, right at the end, he aks me who my advisor is. Now, the deadline was right before spring break. But you all know how I'd been wavering about the major and putting off making a decision. Plus my pre-major advisor is rarely on campus since she jsut had a baby, plus I couldn't decide who to ask to be my advisor. So I forget about the deadline till right before break a little email comes to me. So I get back this week and try to get it handled, and it's not quite done yet because the prof I want to ask went and left town.

So yeah. But you can't go into the long back story complete with reasons why you didn't want to declare in the last second as you're packing up. So I condense. Advisor never in, person out of town. And yeah. He looked at me like I'm an idiot.

SOOOOO that went well.


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