Oct 14, 2005 22:28
~*~Random Questions~*~
What are you doing as of now?
- Talking to Roma
What kind of food are you?
- uhh... chocolate! lol
What's something that you've never gotten from anyone, that you wouldn't mind recieving?
- Flowers mabye
Name as many friends as you can in 30 seconds and time yourself as you do it.
- Roma , Kymber , Kathleen , Ryan , Kala , Katie , Holly opps times up lol
What is your middle name spelled backwards? Is it a real word?
- htebazile lol
Who is the last person you talked to that had the same color eyes as you?
- hrm... I think that would be.. kathleen?
Are you listening to any music? nope
Type out the name of your crush/bf/gf with only your nose.
- not telling ha! go me!
When was the last time you kissed someone?
- uh...
Name 10 things that are near you now.
- Phone , Computer , Printer , toy jeep, tv , pen , pencil , guitar , guitar pick
List the next 2 songs that come on, if you're listening to music.
- lalala
Would you rather be pregnant (or get someone pregnant) at the age of 17 or have one of your best friends be pregnant?
- uh.... i have no clue! cause im not likely to get pregnat at 17 and neither are my friends.... i hope
Who is the most annoying person you know right now?
- uuuuh... yea not going to say that here
Would you rather be a stripper or a hobo living in the gutter?
- uuuuh.... what kinda crap question is this!
Close your eyes, lean forward, and put your hand out and an angle. What do you touch?
- Paper
If you could make up a new super power, what would it be? to be able to eat alot! lol!!!
What is more scary, a large clown in a bikini or your grandpa in women's clothing?
- . . . Holy crap, they're both scary! GAH!
Has anyone ever accused you of messing around?
- No. . I'm not a cheater
What animal, out of the following, would you consider yourself to be? (Elephant, Giraffe, Wolf, Tiger, Worm, Platypus, or Squirrel)
- uh..... I DON'T KNOW!