Jul 07, 2004 16:22
For your reading pleasure . . .
1. Pierce your nose or tongue? nose
2. Be serious or be funny? funnie
3. Boxers or briefs? boxers
4. Whole or skim milk? skim
5. Single or Taken? single
7. Law or anarchy? law
8. Flowers or angels? flowers
9. Grey or gray? gray
10. Read or write? write
11. Color or black-and-white photos? color
12. Sunrise or sunset? sunrise
13. M&M's or Skittles? M&Ms
14. Rap or rock? rap
15. Stay up late or wake up early? stay up late
16. TV or Radio? ahh tough choice . . . tv
17. Is it POP or SODA? omg soda who says pop?
18. X or O in Tic-tac-toe? X
19. Blue or black? hmm depends . . .probably black
20. Eat an apple or an orange? apple
21. What came first the chicken or the egg? the chicken cuz then how would you get the egg? but then again where did the chicken come from?? . . . who thinks of these things anyway??
22. Hot or Cold? cold, you can always keep putting things on but theres only so much you can take off!
23. Big towel or little towel? big
24. Tall members of the opposite sex or short? tall
25. Sun or moon? sun
26. Emerald or ruby? idk
27. Sex in the morning or night? who does in the morning? I mean really, do you feel attractive when you first wake up??
28. Left or right? right
29. 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend? 1 best friend hands down
30. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate icecream? vanilla, but chocolate everything else
31. High or Drunk? drunk
32. Green beans or carrots? carrots
33. Low fat or fat free? low fat?
34. Love or Lust? hows both hit yah? lol
35. Chewable or non chewable vitamins? chewable . . . altho I dont do vitamins and when I do i suck on em anyhow
36. Kids or no kids? i love kids!
37. Cat or dog? omg dog
38. Half empty or half full? half full
39. Mustard or ketchup? ketchup on everything
40. Hard cover books or soft cover book? soft
41. Newspaper or magazine? magazine
42. Sandals or sneakers? sandals
43. Wonder or amazement? amazement
44. Red car or white car? hmm red I guess altho i dont really prefer either
45. Happy and poor or sad and rich? happy and poor I guess
46. Singing or dancing? both
48. Corduroy or plaid? depends
49. Happy or sad? happy . . . who would pick sad over happy?!
50. Purple or green? ahh tough one . . . both!?
Have you...
*Been kissed? yah
*Done drugs? nope
*Eaten an entire box of Oreos? not in one sitting
*Eaten sushi?: yah ::ick::
*Been on stage?: yepp
*Had someone be unfaithful to you?: nope
*Gotten in a car accident?: a MINOR fender bender was I was younger
*Watched the smurfs?: like once
*Hiked a mountain?: nope
*Stayed home on a Saturday night just because?: yah
*Been in love?: iunno
*Seen the White house?: on tv lol
*Lace or satin underwear/Guys cotton or silk? lace
*Blue or Red?: depends . . .probably red
*New or old?: usually new
*Rain or snow?: hmmm both but lets say snow cuz it gets you out of school
*Have you ever slept outside?: noo
*give or receive?: give
*Rose or Daisy?: rose
*Private school or public school?: public
*spring or fall?: both have their plusses
*History or Science?: lessor of two evils . . .history
*English or math ?: english
*Do you like someone right now from the opposite sex?: i have no clu
*What do you look for in a woman or man?: personality, looks, honesty, sense of humor, sweet, confidence but not too much
*Do you have a best friend?: yepp Jilly, Allie, Brie
*Who's your cutest friend?: hmm Shann lol, we have arguements that each other is cuter
*Who makes you laugh the most?: everyone, all my friends are quite funnie
*Who do you e-mail the most?: iunno not really anyone more than anyone else
*Who's the loudest?: probably me lol
*Who's the shyest? Leslie or Lauren
*Who are you jealous of?: no one really
*Had a serious talk?: yah
*Hugged someone?: yah
*Fought with a friend?: hasnt everyone?
*Played strip poker: technically . . .lol
Do you ever...
*Give hugs?: yah
*Take walks in the rain?: not generally
*If you got a tattoo, what would you get and where? probably a pixie on my lower back, right above ur pants line
*Have you ever had that falling dream? i dont recall
*What colour is your floor/carpet in your room?: teal, greenish-blue
*What was the last CD you bought? maroon 5
*last movie you watched? do we consider preschool tapes of me nd jill movies? lol jilly!
*If you chew gum, what kind? Orbit
*Do you use chapstick?: yah
*How do you plan on spending next summer?: workin nd drivin around wit mah friends cuz I will have hopefully had my liscence for a while by then
--/--> also, thanks to Debu . . .u kno what for!
.:+:. Kris.:+:.