
May 29, 2007 20:44

sooooo it has been an awfully long while since i've said much in this journal. maybe i'll start doing it more regularly. cool.
soooooooo this summer i'm working at a cool indie coffee shop, and at a local hardware store... and taking statistics. this may kill me. I think it'll be way worth it. woo!
had my first day at the coffee shop yesterday. It was crazy busy, and all I did was make food for five hours, I'm a bagel/breakfast burrito expert. My first day at the hardware store was today, I'm a cashier, and once i memorize all the numbers they gave me, i think it'll be lots of fun. The hardware store did make me get rid of my pink hair, and i opted to take out my lip piercing so that i dont have to take it out for work every day. but dont fret! pink hair has been replaced by platinum blonde (so it'll be ready for a fresh dose of pink in august) and i have bigger and better plans for facial piercings.
summerschool, not till july. more on this later
busybusybusy, but a busy emilie is usually a happy emilie.
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