[Heroes] Are you on the list?

May 11, 2011 06:24

TITLE: Are you on the list?
FANDOM: Heroes
SUBJECT: A Heroes Recast
NOTES: Made for scifiland.

Are you on the list?
A Heroes Recast

Candice Accola as Claire Bennet

"My name is Claire Bennet and that was attempt number... I guess I've lost count."

Adam Brody as Peter Petrelli

"Peter, right? You're the good brother, the passionate one."

Ioan Gruffudd as Nathan Petrelli

"Most of what we are is what people expect us to be. I mean, if you take them away, nothing means anything."

Emma Stone as Elle Bishop

"I've been nothing but a bitch and you've been nothing but sweet, which just really makes me hate you more."

James Franco as Gabriel Gray (Sylar)

"And how much of it do we actually use? Ten percent of it, maybe twenty. Imagine the answers we'd have with a hundred percent. Why is there evil? How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? How do we make love stay?"

graphics - picspam, challenge - scifiland, fandom - heroes

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