(no subject)

Aug 24, 2006 00:10

Cravings during PMS suck. You crave salt and chocolate constantly. XD I sort of gave in on the salt part, but I've been exercising. I know I probably gained weight. Blah. Damn pms.

Lets not forget the emotional haywire. -Cough- xD Sorry Vaughn. Haha.

Woke up too early this morning. Ended up taking the 9 a.m. bus so I got to school about 30 minutes early. The bus driver was nice enough to let me in considering the bus was beyond full. He also told me I got evil glares from the ladies there because they thought it was cramped enough as it is. I said something a bit sarcastic in return that might have gotten me more glares from them. Eh.

Today I went to school for the loan conference. A partial waste of time. I already knew most of the stuff the guy was talking about that I could have just gone and signed that paper, but we had to stay for the conference -Shrugs- I guess.

I bumped into a lot of people from school today, but that is to be expected during this time. Before I went to the loan deal I bumped into Roque then I saw Brian and this other guy from VMT there. I guess they're incoming freshmen. Later on I bumped into Prisma getting off the bus when I was going to get on. Haha. Saw Roli while I was going to my moms, then Brenda as we were heading home.

Before and after heading off for the loan conference, I went to apply for jobs. I ended up applying for 6. Eh...it's not that many. Considering that more students can be applying for the same jobs. I just hope I can get one. I need the money.

Hm. After signing several papers, I headed off to buy my books. I ended up paying for ALL of my books, out of my own pocket. Meaning me working at my parents' was a complete and total waste of my fucking time because I didn't gain anything from it. According to my mom, they're going to pay me back. That will be in a zillion years from now.

Books are amazingly heavy this time. They're not a lot. I think they're about 6, but they might as well be 10 medium sized ones. They sure do weigh a lot. I guess my attempt of buying everything "Used" was for nothing. Most teachers are changing editions, meaning we have to buy new ones. Good one. I'll see if I can get a locker at school or something. They're way too heavy to be carrying around. At least for my MWR classes.

Anthropology book. It's even got software oO; (I think...) Most books do.

All of them. It amazes me that the anatomy lab book was bigger than my biology one last year. You'd think lab books would be a bit thinner. xD

I know you can't see it here, but this is one of my thickest books. Not exactly the heaviest, but thick none the less. I was jokingly telling my brother that 1/4 was the bible. Apperantly, it has a section dedicated to the Hebrew Bible. lol I'm scared of that class...not because of the subject, but because of the teacher. x.x;; I should be wary of both though. lol

I wasn't kidding...
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