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Jul 23, 2006 14:31

Ah. Sunday...Holy day of rest. XD

Hm. I feel very lazy and stuff. I should take a mental day or something. It's quite cloudy outside and it sort of looks like it's going to rain, but it's still hot. Every time it looks really cloudy over here I'm reminded of Corpus for some reason. Two out of the three times I've been there it has always been cloudy and I like it. lol I remember when we went to Ocean View with the band and played around at the dock where the park was. lol It was a very pretty windy cloudy day. xD; Too bad Laredo doesn't have anywhere to go look at the water. You can go to the bridge and stand there in the hot looking at the dark green water. e_e; OR you could go to the lake and look at the "nice" desert scene surrounding it. It's always very boring there. I think the only place that you can and relax and enjoy the view is Lago del Rio, but I think that's reserved for special occasions. lol I've only been there once. -Shrugs-

Today feels like a relaxing day to drink some iced tea and just sit and read a book while listening to jazzy or piano music. .-. Or just watching movies.

I should go do the last of the chores and take a nice long shower. It's going to be impossible to stay in the shower for too long because the water gets really warm. Bleh. -_-;
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