Good evening fellow players of our wonderful rp,
In such parting ways we have heard the end of our woderful (once)mod,
bunny_tsukino has choosen to leave the game of her own free will. In choosing to do so, she offered to give the community over to awaiting hands who would take it and nuture it into another new, and exciting love child of the Sailor Moon fandom and this is just what has happened!
Along side with myself,
kakyuu_kou have offered up our time and thought power to bring this community a new face and a new set of mods to keep the game going. now, this is as you know a very scary thing and can be hard for many to process. just because one mod is out does not mean this game is dead or we need to stop being involved in this community because if I remember corectly this is a very active community!
We send our love to you and I'd like to invite you that the New, Moonlit_Dance Rp is open for business! We've change the interface to be on a posting board which url is found here:( please check it out and join once again! You're characters are safe and you will get them back if you signed up for them here on this board but wish to switch over to the other one we've created. We think this is the best method to keep the game going.
if you have any question please don't hesitate to ask myself or
Kakyuu_kou. My aim is Demonic Kyo07.
Thank you and please enjoy our future fun as players in a great SM board!