Staring Out Into the Misty Bay

Feb 08, 2010 22:06

Tc and I decided to watch "American Tale" and "Drop Dead Fred" last night... and then I found out that they are planning to re-make Drop Dead Fred... I have a feeling they are going to butcher it.

I told TC that I am his Drop Dead Fred. He agreed. I have the potential to get him into LOTS of trouble. Mwahahahaha.

Best part of that movie:
Young Elizabeth: Did they live happily ever after?
Polly: Of Course Elizabeth.
Young Elizabeth: How do you know?
Polly: Because, she was a good little girl, if she would have been naughty, the Prince would have run away.
Young Elizabeth: What a pile of shit.

Touche, little Elizabeth, Touche.

ALSO.... I watched "Say Anything" for the first time last week... and the movie was quite crappy... but John Cusack... I've never liked him in anything... but now I understand the love for him. He rocked that movie. And it wasn't just because the rest of the acting was so entirely horrendous.

Oh, and funny moment of last week:
Me: TC, I had a dream last night that you asked me to marry you, and you said I had to, bc I was the only girl would go with you to Hong Kong
TC: OMG! Even your dreams are racist!!!
Me: ::Laughing hysterically:: I knew you'd say that. I'm quite proud of my racist dream, as it has so thoroughly offended you.

And on to the books I've read lately...
The first is called "Coffee Will Make You Black." It's a novel about a young African American girl growing up in Chicago in the 60s. Really good book, even though the ending is a little awkward.

The second is a non-fiction book called "The Exquisite Risk: Daring to Live an Authentic Life." This book was far too poetic and allegorical for my tastes (which is appropriate, since the book was written by a poet after all). However there were MANY tidbits in the book that I really loved, so I'll share a few with you.

1. "The paradox of living as a human being: the being is infinite, but the human if finite. The nature of life is endless, but the life we live has limits. I struggled with this for a long time. I wanted so badly to experience and understand EVERYTHING! But giving over to this growing, inner appetite, I had trouble experiencing and understanding ANYTHING! I constantly felt like something was missing. And so I was seldom able to be where I was."

2. The author speaks a lot of Buddhist teachings, and includes one of my favorite quotes "Act always as if the future of the Universe depends on what you do, while laughing at yourself for thinking that whatever you do makes any difference."

3. "I have discovered that we cannot eliminate hunger, but we can feed each other. We cannot eliminate loneliness, but we can hold each other. We cannot eliminate pain, but we can life a life of compassion."

ok... I'm going to list one more quote, bc it really impacted my recent decisions quite a bit
"This quest for celebrity is one of modern addiction. It's as if being seen and applauded will drown out the pain and confusion of our lives. It's hard to believe, but it takes courage and fortitude, and often sudden suffering, to accept that we are ordinary. And then it takes humility and openness to discover the wonder waiting there."
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