Nov 15, 2009 20:20
Ok, so I said I'd write a note concerning my totally bizarre dream. First of all, I just want to note that there were 3 faces I saw that I didn't already know. Seeing the face of someone I don't know is very rare in my dreams, and I usually meet someone that looks exactly like them later. Seeing 3 people... and seeing them in as much detail and for as long as I did is unheard of for me. Also, I saw the whole dream in very vivid color. It's said that people don't dream in color, and I very rarely (if ever) notice color in my dreams. So this was very peculiar. Any way... it's long, but here it is:
I started off at Jarrow (where I used to work) and Chris was giving me shit about something or other, and I was getting very aggravated and something he said hit a memory and I was transported into being in the middle of a very fancy audition with 3 other people. It was more like a performance. We had a high quality set, lighting, props, everything. But it was an audition. And it was an original play that was written by the two male characters, called "The Proposal"... nothing like the movie. The characters were myself, two guys with their faces covered in thick white powder (these are 2 of the faces I'd never seen before), and another very pretty brunette girl (who's face I never saw clearly). So, we'll call the 2 guys "Man 1" and "Man 2" to keep them clear. My character was in love with Man 1, but both Man 1 and Man 2 are in love with the brunette, who is supposedly a nurse. Neither of the men speak much... they are silent like mimes, but without all the gestures with invisible props. Man 1 hurts himself to get into a hospital so that the nurse may take care of him. But when he gets to the hospital, he sees Man 2 dressed as a doctor, with the brunette woman accompanying him. Then Man 1 sees the cameras and lights, and realizes she is an actress, not a nurse, and he is stunned to know his best friend, Man 2, is an actor and he is crushed by how false his reality was. Meanwhile, my character has been watching, and falling more and more in love with Man 1. Then the 2 women (myself included) go to one side of the room, and the 2 men go to the other side of the room and argue over one another to come up with a proposal about what their ordeal all meant. But the scene ends with no answers, just people talking over one another. Meanwhile, my dream self has fallen in love with Man 1 for real, but feels that pursuing someone who was a love interest in fiction is silly.
So the 2 men and I leave the stage and are packing up our things. The men have both wiped off their faces and, while there is still quite a bit of power on their faces, I can see them much clearer. And we chat for a minute, and we realize the room we are in (which is set up like a large holding or catering area) is full of stage moms with their little girls dressed up the the girl from The Grudge and they start their auditions of singing a silly song as the Grudge girl. Creepy. The last name is called to audition and it's the 2 Asian guys not dressed up (and obviously not little girls for that matter) and they push play on a boom box and they both start doing a really horrible dance with one mouthing the words and the other one singing back up. It was horrible and not at all funny. It was just awkward bc it was obviously a prank, but a very stupid one. Meanwhile both their mothers (which look basically identical and are the other clear face I saw) were darting about the guys taking pictures and clapping and all this other nonsense. Then their act ended and I began to leave.
On my way out, someone handed me a card, larger than a business card and smaller than a postcard, but it was apparently for a club. It had a very blurry fluorescent pink and green skull on it. And I thought it was weird that it was so blurry. But I headed back to my apartment with the card in hand.
My apartment was set up very similar to my old apt in Westwood, but I was living with Julie. The color of the apartment were all much richer and darker. I go into my room, and turn on the light, which is a UV light and I look down at the card and it is a devil with 3 or 4 naked women in chains. Now, after I woke up I was disturbed by what was on the card, but in the dream I was excited that I'd seen something on the card that most people would never see, unless they knew it was there. It was like an awesome secret I'd stumbled upon.
I went into the kitchen (all the cabinets were dark wood and the walls were a dark rich yellow... it was very warm and home-like), and I notice one of my walls is missing. And where there was a wall, were people setting up a museum exhibit in the near-dark. I realized one of these people was Man 1 that had been at the audition with me. He has no powder on at all, and his scene partner, Man 2, was there as well. When I asked what they were doing, they said their "day job" was setting up museum exhibits. And I got super-excited that I was going to have a museum next door... and I had to run out the front door of this soon-to-be-open museum to really see it was true. And it was! The outside was bright yellow and orange and it was going to be some sort of history museum. I run back in and I grab Man 1 and tell him I have to show him the skull card. I show him, but there's a little too much light, and in dim light, the card looks like a drunken middle-aged man in a Hawaiian t-shirt with a couple of hot brunettes dressed in black. And I'm like "No! That's not what I wanted to show you." So I had to take him into my room with the UV light to show him. He seemed mildly impressed and I walked him back over to the kitchen so he could go back to work. As he went back into the museum, he said "Hey, didn't you have a bathroom or something over here before?" And I remember "Yeah, I had a bathroom and another bedroom." And he says, "maybe you should talk to your landlord about getting a new wall." And I'm like "Yeah, and I need to find out if he'll give us a cheaper rent now that out spare room is no longer there." And the dream ended with me dialing the landlord's phone # to see if I could get a cheaper rent.
Holy crap that was long!
Ok... and some non-dream stuff:
If you haven't read the Penelope Cruz article from last month's Vanity Fair. I'm not a huge fan of hers, but maybe I've missed the really good work she's done. Anyway, it's definitely a testament to what a hard worker she is.
Also, I nice little quote from Johnny Cash... when asked for his idea of paradise, he replied "This morning, with her, having coffee." Which reminds me that I still need to see Walking the Line. How have I not seen that yet?
PS-- Has anyone heard any reviews about Paul Rueben's PeeWee Reprise at the Music Box? I'm wondering how well it's doing...