Apr 17, 2005 08:57
woot i was degrounded for A DAY cuz i had to buy me some shoessss! God i think adidas hates me cuz me and holly had to go to like A BIZILLION stores i was amuseded! Untill i got pissed then i was just well pissed. Yea IM SORRY I DIDNT CALL U LIATTE I LOVE YOU SO VERY MUCH AND I AM ALSO SPACYYYYY PLEASE DONT HURT ME!!! SO yes that was all i did. Wow im really scared that im just letting my school work go so i gotta tighten the hold on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok thats enough exclamation points. I dont even know y i write on this no one reads it neways but hey im bored so w/e. I feel a distance between me and _______. NAME IS PROTECTED but it rhymes with Ratie lol. Ok yea so i dunno maybe she doesnt like me ne more wuteva I DONT LIKE ME NEMORE!!!!! YES MY LIFE GOAL IS COMPLETE!!! ooooo on to more important things like making ur family tuna melt for dinner oh wait no i already did that! God i wanna wake up with str8 A's ne1 know how i can do that if u do and if u tell me ILL GIVE U A GAZILLION BAGILLION MANILLION COOKIES ANDDDDDDDDD A TUNA MELT WITH EXTRA CHEESE!! come on dude u dont get offers like that every day!!! Yea newhoodle doodle poodle AHHHH POODLE I HATE POODLES ALL THOOSE PUFFS OHHHHHHHHHHHH THE PUFFS ::CRIES:: ok im dont being insane ill ttyal
Lotz o Luv