(no subject)

Dec 07, 2005 22:02


Totally made me all giddy and happy when he was at the door (btw - it's not too late to go back and change that flashback in the pilot, where *Logan*'s at the door, is it? Because Wallace at the door is just...a million times better. really.), and I don't at all even care that this means Jackie will probably be back. I'll worry about that when Her Royal *itchiness walks onto the scene.

Did I mention Wallace is back? And at the most perfect time *ever*? And he and Vee are still friends and yay? :D

Totally made up for an otherwise slightly...blah...episode. The stuff with Meg was interesting; so was the mystery with the tapes; and great for Veronica for getting support for university funding--I can guess how awesome that'd be. Of course, Keith and Veronica were wonderful, as always, if just a touch off during the Christmas dinner scene--were they a touch off? A little too "yes, we realize Veronica and Keith have the best daddy-daughter relationship ever" so we're trying to write it that way? Was it just me?

But somehow...I just wasn't all that excited about what happened in the episode. Maybe I'm just missing The Big Mystery. The nod to S1, though, is always cool.

Nice job, Rob, on backpedaling with Logan. You're following last season's plan exactly. He did something that screams jackass, and now he's the sensative, used-and-abused-so-it-isn't-his-fault little boy lost that the fangirls constantly go on about. I admit. I softened towards him in *this* episode, but I'm still more than a little wary of liking him. At all. Writer's appreciation--there. Nod to his humanity--not.


Edit - also. I'm stupid. Dissing Lamb was hilarious, and he just made it worse for himself with his arrogance. Snickered through that whole Keith/Lamb scene, even while rolling my eyes at him. And...Leo is sweet. Or something. Right reason, wrong action = Leo's situation to a T. He shouldn't have done it, although I can understand why he did. Elementary school kids suck.

And I'm ticked at Logan for destroying those tapes. As scary!fascinating as it would be for Aaron's case to be not so open-and-shut, it was still... Well, good going, Logan. I was hoping he'd at least make copies, but noooo. Also, the whole Lilly = "love of Logan's life" thing? Please. I don't ship L/V, and even *I* was rolling my eyes. First off, although from the whole 'golden age of Veronica's life', the two of them cheated on each other like crazy. Secondly...isn't he supposed to be hung up on Veronica? And if not, could he just hide away (*far* away from my eyes, because ew) and deal his meaningless sex with his dick best friend's slutty step mom?

Wait. It's Logan. I remember now. Of course he says and does stupid things. He's the obligatory, psychotic jackass.

Oh. And Meg dying. Um. Don't care. Her behaviour in the pilot just turned me off of her, completely. I could care less, though it'll be interesting to see how Veronica deals with her boyfriend's little bundle of joy, and the grandparents from scary psychologically!abusive hell.

veronica mars

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