Girl from Mars

Nov 09, 2005 22:53

So, how *amazing* was today's episode? Seriously. Everyone except for my favourite (come back, Wallace! *cry*) was on today :D Heavy ties to and intrigue with last season's material? Makes a very happy Erin.

Abel Koontz was back - I wasn't expecting it, and yay :D Because lately, Lilly's murder has been brought up a little more (especially with that fortune teller week-before-last), and I'm glad they *are* bringing it back more. Sounds like Veronica's "normal" is about to change again...

Gia - well, Gia/Dick. 'Cuz that amuses me, but not nearly as much as Veronica's reaction. I wonder what the Dick fangirls think of it *laughs* Seriously, though, I would have been trying to physically shake some sense into that girl *facepalm* For just Gia, though - hey, at least she's not Jackie. And maybe I'll be able to take a skin cell of hers seriously by the end of the season.

Aaron was a lying (but on-screen!) murderer. And Logan's cell-mate. Wow, Lamb's a----well, you know.

Weevil's the thug we were always told he was (although that joke about the PCHers - HA!)

Logan was acting like...*Logan*--S1 Logan, almost, back when I managed to half-like him. Until, of course, he evicted Weevils grandmother, which just pissed me off all over again. I mean, wow, Logan. Way to pick on a senior citizen who has to take care of several children and teenagers. Wait, does this make you a man now? I bet Daddy'd do it.
Let's count Logan's disgraceful examples of conduct, shall we? 1) the homeless boxing ring, 2) leading the pack in making his dead girlfriend's best friend's life hell, 3) dating Paris Hilton (that just abuses poor judgement, really), 4) um, *burning a public pool* just 'cuz, 5) sweat stains--although that's more in the, My goodness, Logan, what's *happened* to you? neighbourhood 6) evicting grandma.
Oh, but until that point...I really appreciated this episode's Logan. He even *looked* like Logan again, in that jacket--yes, even *I* noticed, and my appreciation for him only really extends to the snarkiness, and Jason's acting.
And, uh, Logan needs to punch Dick *yesterday*. Plskthx. I mean, I knew Dick lived up to his name, but what the heck was up with his crude comments about Logan's dead mother?

That last scene with Logan and Veronica - I knew it was him, but I still laughed. I've gotten to the point where I don't ship either L/V or D/V (although I have opinions about where both should be put, in terms of timing and emotional maturity). It was still cute, and I could hear every "LoVe" shipper screaming gleefully *laughs*

Clarence - was back! Yay :D I liked his and Veronica's interaction...I wouldn't mind seeing a lot more of it.

Wallace - NEEDS to stop being "an e-mail that won't reply". I'm begging here, Rob. It's been one episode (and one rerun) and I'm already going through withdrawal.

MOTW - cool. Very cool. And wonderful. And so much love (*not*, as I apparently need to specify in this fandom, "LoVe" *shudder*).

Um...can't think of anything else at this precise moment. Just more love, and all.

And going to see y2 tomorrow *big grin*

veronica mars

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