I really suck at this lj-customization thing.

Oct 28, 2005 20:48



Does anyone know how to add a header to 'Generator'? I have the coding, but I...don't know where to put it. I thought I did, but then I got "Error..." blah blah blah.


Alright, hoping this doesn't screw up the html in this *entry*...

This is what I put in:

layerinfo "type" = "theme";
layerinfo "name" = "Veronica marshmellow";



This is what I got:

Error compiling layer:

Compile error: line 4, column 1: Unknown token encountered while parsing layer: [TokenIdent] = GLOBAL_HEAD
S2::Layer, S2/Layer.pm, 67
S2::Compiler, S2/Compiler.pm, 27

...*notices the new (?) colours for the Boxer style* Heck, does anyone know how to add headers to the Boxer?

lj, lj help

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