Oct 19, 2005 22:10

Yay, an episode with Weevil :D Because, well, I missed him.

Logan was a jerk. So what else is new.

Meg is...not perfect? Say wha? *GG*

Wallace = <333 as always. So much love. Because he's Wallace.

Alicia is lying O_o Awww....poor Keith. And Wallace. :(

Jackie is une garce. Pardon my French. Smack her, Ronnie! She thinks she can take you down, and turn Wallace on you!

...I don't wanna see Wallace and Veronica fight. Ever. :( Bff, people!

Duncan...what are you hiding, buddy? Something to do with Meg's strange no-parents-allowed side?

Meg's sister: HEE. She was wearing such...professional, then not-completely-slutty clothes in this episode. Remember her in "Like a Virgin"?

Paralells with Veronica/Duncan and the MotW = cool. Maybe it wasn't the most amazing mystery we've ever seen, but they weren't trying to make it like that. It was *supporting* everything that was going on. Which gives them props. Plus, it was so sad! Seeing that girl destroy her relationship... :(

Keith was just calling *everybody* on their stuff this ep, wasn't he? Wallace's dad (or so he thought), Ronnie, Alicia....

Ronnie *not* snooping in Meg's stuff, and actually following her conscience -- I knew you could do it! I just didn't know if you would :\

And...how could I possibly almost forget that Mac was back (for a few minutes, anyway). Yay! :D Can she be around more, again?

Episode = love. Yay :D

Also - so funny (in an eventually annoying way) when people just...randomly capitalize words. I mean, not even the usual ones like "her Aunt" or "The Cat Walked In" (for a title). Especially when they keep capitalizing pronouns, so it looks like the characters (in fanfic) are gods/goddesses *laughs*

veronica mars, misc

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