VM 2.03 - Cheatty-Cheatty Bang Bang

Oct 12, 2005 22:01

The first time I'm actually talking about a VM ep :P It only took me...a long while, lol.

Something about tonight's ep seemed...off, a little. I don't know. Maybe because I was expecting a huge deal to be made out of that guy with VERONICA MARS on his hand. In that way, I was disappointed--but I suppose I shouldn't have expected it to be like that yet. Still...it seemed a little too thin because of it.

The cast felt too big. I liked the sub-plots, and all--but there were too many of them, without being quite big enough. Sub plots? Check. *Plot*? ...not quite as much.

Intriguing hints at Alicia, though it makes me a little worried.... Also, Keith seemed a little--off--in this one. I don't know. A little too...hippy-ish. Blandly happy. It was strange. Or maybe just me?

Duncan. See, I like Duncan more than a lot of VM fans--he's the good guy. And I think D/V is kinda cute, though not--by any means--a forever relationship. But Rob just seems to have...given up on writing him. I mean, the stuff with Duncan not being there for Logan? I can understand it, but the writers definitely should have shown *more* to it, because otherwise it makes Duncan just look like a poor excuse for a bland friend. It doesn't fit with who we (or I) have been led to expect from Duncan. I'm not particularly impressed :( That said, the fight between Duncan and Logan was the most realistic one we've seen yet this season *snort*

Logan. As screwed up as he is, despite my problems with Logan/Veronica (especially right now), and in the face of what he's been up to lately, I like Logan. Mostly. He's interesting, at least, and Jason does a great job portraying him. But today his portrayal just seemed...weak. Or the writing did. It was like the writers thought--"Oh. The fans want a lot more Logan. Let's shove him into a few more scenes, and they'll be happy. After all, they just want him *in* the scene." I preferred his brief scene last ep to his collection of them this ep. Just didn't have quite the...I don't know.

Jackie. Still a witch. I loved, though, Veronica and Wallace's constant reminders to "retract the claws." So girl-fights *g* Also, I'm trying to figure this girl out. If we hadn't already seen how she lives, I would have pinned her as a pathological liar. But maybe she's...just...a you-know-what?

The business teacher. That poor guy! Not retiring early, even though he did the noble thing :(

Cassidy. His dad is a white-collar criminal. His brother is a would-be date rapist. His step-mummy is a slut/gold-digger/who knows what else. *He* just can't catch a break. I mean, really--his dad's more proud of Dick. *facepalm*

The hand! and ensuing stuff. Huh. I was wondering when Aaron's admirers would come into this...*very* interesting. And I'm glad they're hooking (or appearing to) last season's mystery to this one.

Logan/Veronica stuff. I liked it. It...fit. Despite what I said earlier about Logan seeming not quite as strong as usual, the confrontation was well-played and IC. So, good.

Lastly - Veronica? Please. *Don't* retract the claws. Just take Jackie's face off--Wallace is *so* out of her league!

veronica mars

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