(no subject)

Sep 10, 2005 22:53

I am actually working on Moon. Amazing, isn't it? I might actually get a few fics up this time...*facepalm*

I updated both "In the Morning" (here) and "Fast as I Can" (here). ItM is coming a lot quicker now, thank Alia - I'm done the next, unposted chapter, and the next should be...action-y, so hopefully not hard. Well, except - action. But. Kyp is *finally* going to be using the Sildar! Alia, it only took him...a 100+ pages. Also, Gaffil! It's bad that I'm looking forward to writing this scary villain, but I am. *Finally*. I mean, Brakiss was...pretty much a joke. And Onyx was pretty easily redeemed. So, Dejarik was pretty much villain-less. Then, in CitR, Devnos turned out to be a good guy, so another no-real-villain scenario. But ItM...two, crazy bad villains, one of them fanatical, and the other even scarier because he doesn't believe in anything. And Gaffil so makes me want to write the short story about how he got this way, or even just an extra snapshot. Isra, poor Isra.

After that...lyke omgz the stuff I have planned! :P I'm so excited about this...stuff is finally *happening*. In a big, huge way. With a few, small exceptions that I want to write, there is no more expo. Yay! And then, after that... *G*

But beyond that...I need to get back into FaIC. I know what comes next, but that's the problem--I *know*. And it's okay when I'm writing, but when I stop I get lazy and slightly bored. Bad Erin.

Also, I have to update not_azubah. The poor girl's liable to go mad from paranoia and boredom if she continues on in her situation. And, maybe it'll get my mind off of trying to find some character I could rpg in Milliways. Because I am *not* doing that. Not.

1. Beta "Ears Open" post!!
2. Write more of "Fast as I Can"
3. Finish History 12 worksheet. It's easy, so just do it.
4. Make some more fic banners.
5. Finish setting up Moon.
6. Type up resume, and drop it off at Pharmasave and Chapters.
7. Drive. No, really. (y2, have you gotten your L yet?)
8. Make the quiche lorraine tartlets tomorrow for lunch. Kaitlin's birthday has turned into Kaitlin's weekend... :p

1) Reply with your name and I'll respond with something random about you.
2) I'll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.
3) I'll pick a flavor of jello to wrestle with you in.
4) I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me.
5) I'll tell you my first memory of you.
6) I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7) I'll ask you something that I've always wondered about you.
8) If I do this for you, you must post this on your journal. You MUST. It is written.

And just so you know...I *never* think of people vs. animals. So, that one very probably won't happen :p


writing, always, meme, misc

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