Mostly to do with "Always"...

Jul 04, 2005 00:41

1) "In the Morning" was updated, at long last. The chap is 14 pages (15 in Times New Roman), though, so hopefully I'm forgiven. Plus, the next chapter is about half-done. Go me! ...or not :P

2) Took a break from the internet for a couple of days, and look at all I've done. #1 note + html-ized all of "Dejarik" *headdesk* It was painful, and I dreamed in html code for a while, but there you go. I also set up the Dej index page so that I can add "extras", and take the things that didn't fit, and put them there. Next up is CitR... :P Oh, and note to self: double-check Dej's html, then send to Jen for DS.

3) Golden Spike days were this weekend. Bore, bore, bore, up until I found out that Jacob Hoggard (2nd season Canadian Idol hilarious guy?) and his band, Hedley, were playing that night. Called smirk, and it was fun. All of a sudden, the free sample Starbucks frappeccinos weren't the only good thing there *laugh*

4) Updated the_moons_trick, and finished off "Cry" at long last. Tomorrow, I start on the neverending series that is "Always" (current count off rabid plot bunnies for spin-offs: 7). And, should I post those updates in jainazekk? Maybe just a shout out, that's it there...

5) There isn't, by some slim chance, someone on my friends list who has a link for CYNICAL21's fic "An Untimely Frost", is there? It's an Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon (not *that* kind) fic, pre-TPM. I noticed that I had it on my to-read list, and I went to find it on ff.n, but apparently it's been deleted :( I'm slogging through JC, but before I go through the "Classic" forum...

Anyone wanna help?

6) I. Hate. Clayra. And people agree with me!


writing, always, random

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