Dollhouse 2x11

Jan 08, 2010 23:31

I know, I know, I know, I haven't posted in *ages*--over two months, and I'm very embarrassed that this isn't even a real post (which is coming, because I have a whole weekend ahead of me with nothing else to do, more on that later), but I just finished watching Dollhouse, and my sister is being callously unsympathetic.

OMG BENNETT. I liked her quite a bit in her previous episodes, and but by the time the hair-dyeing scene came around, I was just OMGILU & PLSSTAYFOREVER, and then Claire SHOT HER. I might have whimpered. And I was looking forward to a Caroline/Bennett scene so much, you have no idea, I need massive fanfics where Bennet's been In On It the entire time, and she may have gone a little haywire in the mean time (who wouldn't, after the arm-loss, and the best friend dying, and the being in the Dollhouse?), but there's some part of her that's still Caroline's best friend (even if Caroline's maybe not a very awesome best friend back). And now we may or may not find out about that.

Because Saunders SHOT BENNET. IN FRONT OF TOPHER, WHO IS ABOUT TO GO CRAZY NOW. Poor bb - the scene with Adelle after; and with Ivy; and with Bennett. Gaaah, Joss, you are trying to kill me. Or at least make me cry, and I *hate* crying.

I might not be done with this topic. C'mon, people, fanfic.

Of course, there's also Boyd, and the fact that he is apparently EVIL. Which, just. :((((( I want things to be complicated there, but being so high up in Rossum doesn't...exactly make things look good. And the whole imprinting-his-girlfriend thing :\ Except, in Epitaph One, no one hated Claire. So. I don't know. Boyd! :(

(On a side note, and Bennett-broken heart aside, I *love* how epic this show has gotten over the last couple episodes. Why couldn't we have had more conspiracy->epic from the start, and less Eliza trying to develop range in standalone Echo-oriented-only episodes?)

Um. Love Adelle The General. Of course, I love Adelle in general, but, you know, it bears mentioning. And Echo letting Victor and Sierra get out for at least a night. The LA Dollhouse has obviously just stampeded through all Rossum protocols, and everyone getting loved ones out - even Adelle, with the Dolls.

I was relieved to see the Paul/Echo storyline at least temporarily stalled. I'm totally good with just forgetting it ever happened, mmkay? It's far too squicky. Plus, the relationship overall (development included) was bizarre.

Caroline. IDK, she's always kind of annoyed me. I did like the conflict Echo felt, and was somewhat amused that she and I have a similar apathy toward Caroline :P

Also, random, is it just me, or is this show rather femmeslashy? Echo/Sierra (not that I don't OTP the *hell* out of Victor/Sierra, but...), Caroline-or-Echo/Adelle (s1 > s2), Caroline/Bennett. Or maybe it's just that Echo's only male love interest is squicky or psychotic (except whatshisname, Senator Wesley, I liked them together; and bizarrely, Lee Adama), and everyone is always ~drawn~ to her specialness.


tv # dollhouse, tv

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