In other words, criminology has completely ruined me for crime tv shows

Oct 02, 2009 19:45

"That [~8 year old] son you were protecting is...a sociopath." *SHOCKING! music*

Oh, Criminal Minds. You are hilarious, I'm positively dying of laughter when I'm not weeping. There are some good episodes, and some epically bad ones, but mostly the show is the most sensationalized BS cop work *ever* on TV. Covering up the murder of a five-year-old boy by his nine-year-old brother because you think the kid will be "made an example of and tried as an adult!" (I am not kidding), and then...dundunDUN: ~SOCIOPATH~. Not to say that psychopaths don't show some signs of antisociality as children, but. Holy crow, writers. There are professors (hell, first year crim students) who would eat you *alive* for labelling a kid that way. Perhaps we can retroactively diagnose the writers during their teenaged years, and watch as they are uniformally dragged out of the psychopathy closet? And maybe show them Freud, since they like BS like that.

(I should say, I sort of enjoy CM in that it's crazypants BS psychological criminology that Freud would have laughed at and which I laugh at so I don't fear for every American citizen's right to not be detained forever on the basis of a "profile", but there are some episodes where. omg. Did they talk to *anyone* in the field, *ever*?)

Also, trufax and brought to you from my crim theories class: somewhere in the 60's (I think--it's in those class notes I'm ignoring) a psychologist (of course) posited that women are inherently deceitful because they can fake an orgasm and men can't. I KNOW. Criminology is crazy town. Ask me, I'll tell you more.

criminology, crime tv makes me lmao and hide, tv

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