~38 hours 'til I leave + random

Aug 11, 2009 17:22

A day-and-a-sleep until my flight (literally: my confrontation with jet lag will be staying up all Wednesday night and sleeping on the plane) to Paris. PARIS. I'm still randomly spazzing, and relatively certain that I'm not *actually* leaving the country or anything, it's ~all in my mind~.

For the random: I was minding my own business at work, when I realized that The Reason Why!Anakin reminds quite a bit of Charles Wallace (Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time). I have no idea if even my subconscious knew that one was coming, or used a bit of the prototype, or if I'm now extending my music/stories OTP to include other people's stories, but now the two boys are going to be forever tangled in my head :p

writing, paris, life

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