Fic: [Doctor Who] "Constant Satellite" repost

May 14, 2009 14:31

Constant Satellite has been reposted on dreamwidth. There'll probably be a lot of reposts over the next couple weeks, because I may as well take the blank slate where I can, right?

Constant Satellite
[Doctor Who, post-Doomsday. PG. 3,673 words. Rose Tyler, Mickey Smith, Pete Tyler, Adam Mitchell; Rose/The Doctor, Rose/OC; some s4 spoilers, but written before Turn Left.]
Summary: The Doctor-her first Doctor, right before he burst in flames-told her to have a fantastic life. On the beach, her Doctor said, “Rose Tyler: defender of the Earth.” Her mom turns it into a plaque, Mickey tries to make it a joke, and others want it to be a publicity stunt, but Rose pays attention to the difference.

Notice how I am being productive about everything not IYC. I'm working on it. (Also, I finished the last post, so that's something, right?)

writing, doctor who, myfic, dreamwidth

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