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penny_lane_42 May 7 2009, 20:31:55 UTC
I have no idea what you're talking about, but can I just say I love that the title references how dumb Ballard is? *headdesk*


moonlightrick May 7 2009, 20:35:58 UTC
Hehe, seriously, Ballard is the worst agent *ever*. Tell your neighbour everything about your top-secret investigation in exchange for lasagne? *facepalm* Unfortunately, the main character in Legend of the Seeker just might be even dumber than Paul. Maybe. Depending on the episode :p


penny_lane_42 May 7 2009, 20:41:25 UTC
O-oh! Isn't that based on Terry Goodkind novels? I really dislike him. I tried to read the first one, and it was awful.

And sex. Don't forget the sex. I don't know that lasagna alone would have done it for Paul. Which reminds me that I'm pretty mad at home that he's all concerned about getting Caroline out but seems not to care about Mellie/November/whoever at all. I'm really amazed at how good Tahmoh is at playing such a really terrible person. Tahmoh was Helo, who was like the ultimate good man. And now he's playing an obsessive and dumb agent? It's fabulous.


moonlightrick May 7 2009, 20:51:35 UTC
Yes, that's the tv series/author. The tv show is pretty silly, but entertaining in a post-finals way :p

The lasagna was enough to *start*, though; sex just opened the floodgates :p His obssession about Caroline vs. Mellie, though, is...really not cool. Especially since he's making Caroline the victim, while he sees Mellie almost as the villain. Even if he's putting too much stock in the idea that the Dollhouse can remotely flip a switch in Mellie's head, it's just--urk. I'm hoping, at the very least, that they'll build more background for him at some point soon--as he is, the character's becoming increasingly slimy.


penny_lane_42 May 8 2009, 23:36:03 UTC
I understand the post-finals need for entertainment very well.

Especially since he's making Caroline the victim, while he sees Mellie almost as the villain Exactly. You put that much better than I could have.

Yeah, he's definitely slimy. I think Joss is doing that on purpose, which is interesting. I don't know that he's ever done that before. But really? There's no one to root for on this show. Everyone either lacks agency or is implicit in horrible things. It's fascinating and strangely un-Joss-like.


moonlightrick June 2 2009, 05:04:04 UTC
It's all very, what's actually going on underneath, like pulling a Rock Of Common Plots And Characters out of soil and looking at the bugs underneath. It's interesting--much more philosophical/thinky than I originally expected from the concept.


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