"Legend of the Seeker" 1x01 reaction post

May 01, 2009 00:59

Richard: pretty (his intro scene!), but not very bright, is he? Is it just me, or does the actor look really young? imdb says he's several years older than me, but he looks like an older-looking high schooler/young uni student. Maybe he's just short, or something (the irony, I promise, does not escape me.) He also has very random physical gestures sometimes that do not correspond with what he's saying. It's rather amusing, once you get past the wha?

# of times Richard said he'd try to be worthy, and then (or almost) got someone killed: 3? I didn't keep track in episode, but really.

Khalan: I haven't pinned her yet, but--um. Look, clearly, a strong female character. Except...using her special power (to make men devoted to her, no less) drains her and makes her incapable of fighting further on her own? Erm. I'm going to have to re-read the book and see if that's the author or the tv!writers' thing (although, Goodkind is apparently in on it, so...). I'm hoping this is me being paranoid. Power!gifts are usually draining, right? Just, well, all the guys with magical powers (Zed, Richard) are so far immune to such draining. Also, re: Khalan, so far her gift seems...different from the book. I read it a couple years back, so I could have totally the wrong end of the stick, but didn't the devotion!whammy hit *anyone* who touched her?

# of times Khalan looked at Richard and wondered how the hell destiny had figured *this* one: way too many times to count.

Zed the hippie: *snerk* + the platitudes. Well, TG does think of his work as ~philosophy~, not at all fantasy.

The episode ending: "it'll be really hard to find the evil overlord who kills lots of people. He has ~magic~ and really wants to find us," haha, oh, show, you and I are going to have *fun* snarking.


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