This post...doesn't really have a point.

Mar 26, 2009 22:01

Ugh, the adrenaline. never. kicked in today.

But. Paper was finished, formatted, edited, and printed off by ~10 this morning, so there wasn't any rushing. Except for where I had to run from my tutorial/one end of the campus to my LING class/the other side of campus (last time! never scheduling WMC->ASSC again, ever, seriously). Today was my last poli sci lecture, since the prof isn't around next week, and he shortened this one. Had I known about the 1/4 lecture, I probably would have slept in instead, but. It was good for me. Right. I mentioned, right, very tired?

Anyway. IYC got transposed between lecture and tutorial, so it's just 10 pages of waiting-to-be-edited. Which I'll do tomorrow, because at this point I'd probably add some random franglais and think it looked right :P

Also: the cough has escalated, though it's still not making a difference; and my voice is thinking about dying. But I don't work or have anything else *all weekend*, so that's okay. Ta.

*dozes on keyboard*

writing, school, life

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