Quick update (but not that kind)

Mar 25, 2009 15:30

I'm currently procrastinating writing my 7 page LING paper that's due tomorrow, so this is quick. Basically, very sorry about the delay in IYC's posting--this weekend was *insane* (we got back at 3am on Monday, for example, and that was after very little sleep), and one of my sisters turned 18, so it's all be sort of...yes. And now with the paper. Hopefully I'll have finished transposing/editing the post by tomorrow night, and there'll be an update by Friday at the latest. Really at the latest this time. Hopefully *facepalm* If it's any consolation, the post is 8 pages now, and I have ~3 more to go, so it's *long*.

So: IYC update by Friday? And probably a RL update by tomorrow night. Here's to hoping I get more than four hours of sleep tonight?

writing, misc

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