very random summer thoughts | & dollhouse

Mar 13, 2009 22:04

I feel like wearing summer dresses for a straight month. But I...don't even really like dresses that much? Or skirts? Blazers, scarves, and jeans, yes. Maybe it's the looming possibility of a summer in full-time uniformed!work. Do you think the government has nicer (and better ventilated) uniforms than Safeway?

Just finished the lastest Dollhouse episode. I was--expecting more? But maybe that's because I've written papers on cults, researched them, watched documentaries and read books, so I take it more seriously when the cop ignores Jonestown and all those other precedents because he's a dickwad. Also: that no one stops him. Although, I have issues in general with the constant media use of stereotype:corrupt/power abusing cop. I know it's a bit more prevalent in the States, possibly largely due to their crap paycheque, but most people who join up to be cops have pretty good motives. Petty egos and corruption exist, yes, but not usually to the point of cold-bloodedly murdering two outsiders who--actually, I'm not entirely clear on what his real problem was with Boyd and "Esther."

I also wish they had gone further with the Paul-catching-his-first-real-glimpse line. Even if it was just him actually seeing her in person, looking away for a moment, and then her disappearing. Now, true, it was in the trailer, and it's early yet--we were supposed to get our hopes up just to have them dashed. But there wasn't even that much dashing; it's was more of a...non-moment. Like, wait, that was it? Blink, miss, and apparently a useless storyline that didn't really matter. It wasn't even an episode gimmick so much as a trailer gimmick. Hopefully it'll pick up from here, and not just continue as it's been. Paul is very pretty, yes, but if there's no forward motion in his investigation, then it's irrelevant. I've been spoiled by BSG and Doctor Who: I want either tightly controlled plot, or well-written self-contained episodes that have hints of the final arc.

Dollhouse makes me want to write fanfic. Which I almost definitely won't, because I like to know quite a bit about a world before I write in it (or at least have a better idea of the mechanics than we currently do in DH), but I like to fix things. Like this episode, and the fact that it's a tv show spread over __ seasons, and 22 episodes per season.

I do like the show generally, but it isn't amazing to me. Eliza is good (or at least slips into her role) occasionally, but is generally very...Faith or actress-y, if decent, and I'm still wary of her playing Echo, who is a literal chameleon. It's adorable that Joss takes care of his actors, but I don't think Eliza would have been picked for this role except that Joss brainstormed it with her, and at some point you have to pick your actor--especially your *lead*--because they fit the role, not because they need work. I'm trying to withhold judgement for a while longer. Like, until I actually remember the main characters' names without referring to imdb.

This was sort of an irrelevant post. Eight days 'til Wicked!

tv # dollhouse, tv, random

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