Fic: "If You Call" (3/? J/Z AU; sequel to "Fast as I Can")

Jan 30, 2009 21:19

The chapters will probably get longer soon...they break somewhat oddly in this fic :P At the moment, though, I'm sort of hedging the update schedule in case of any last-minute changes (not to mention middle-part writer's trudge).

Part One | Part Two


Zekk looked different that night; he knew it even without Scooti’s whistle, or Raven’s appraising eye. If Jaina was playing a protective role, then so would he, especially if there was any real risk for him to take. The black clothing was for dangerous jobs, when the whole crew came along to make an impression. The blaster on his hip was partly for show; the holster almost hidden by his cape, and the knife in his sleeve were not; Coruscant’s undercity hummed in his blood. With any luck, his background would be recognizable, and eyes would shift to easier prey.

Once inside the cantina, Zekk ordered a deep red drink, and sat at the bar. He didn’t see Jaina or Kyp yet, but he didn’t expect the Jedi to make any kind of contact if he missed them. Instead, he tuned into the audible chaos that he hadn’t paid any attention to the previous night. Schemes, threats, and bribes abounded in this sort of place. Drugs were sold and used; less than savoury nights arranged; and dozens of jobs, the kind Raven wouldn’t dare take, were planned. He wasn’t focused on the normal mayhem. Menace and crime could be found in any bar in Mos Eisley; threat was familiar to the Dustbowl’s clients. But the night’s fear was not at all characteristic of its type, and the crowd was far thinner than it should have been.

It could be just the rumours, he supposed, even with the healthy egos of bounty hunters and criminals. But the fear hummed, too, with secrets. No wonder Jaina was playing the pretty girl; but unless she was beating boys on the side, all she’d have was-something he couldn’t imagine her giving-and chivalry that would have died a long time ago. All other avenues would take time Jaina didn’t have. She had probably been spitting mad even before she saw him the night previous.

This, at least, he could help her with.

The bartender brought Zekk’s drink, and the young human slid some credits across the bar. “Quiet night,” he remarked.

The being-Zekk couldn’t name his species-counted the credits, noted the tip, and nodded briefly. “Certain type o’people,” the bartender said back. “Not the regulars. Others. Explains your face.”

Zekk looked down the bar. “Dropped off for work. Thought I’d check in.”

“You’ll want to speak to him, over there, then. Always hiring these days.”

When Zekk followed the bartender’s nod, he was not surprised to recognize one of the men Jaina had been flirting with-the dangerous one’s companion, probably a lackey. Zekk dropped another credit on the counter. “I see him.”

The bartender might have had more to say, but a Wookiee interjected with a demanding kind of growl. The bartender grabbed his credit and left. Zekk hid his scowl with a swallow of his drink. When he had replaced it on the counter, Zekk was convinced that he could blame paranoia for his sensation of being watched. Even so, when fingers suddenly dug into his right shoulder, Zekk’s hand wasted no time going to the grip of his blaster.

“I told you to stay out of here,” Jaina snarled, mostly under her breath.

Zekk reholstered his blaster, and turned to look at her. “I’m not even close to the type of person they’re looking for.”

“What do you even know about what ‘they’ are looking for, nerfherder?” she sneered.

“They’re looking for-” Zekk lowered his voice. “For Jedi, or people who could be, right? Like you. Raven said they were looking for people who ‘knew things’-why else would the Jedi get called in? For that matter, you seem to like dangerous missions.”

“I’m not here for the danger,” Jaina said, her voice suspiciously even, almost removed. “But I’m beginning to think you are. Hey, get me the usual,” she shouted at the bartender.

“This is no more dangerous than Coruscant, and maybe even less,” Zekk muttered. “These people are scared.”

“And hiding something,” she hissed back. “Not such a great combination, yeah? Besides, they’re not being nearly so discriminating anymore, and fresh faces won’t be missed. Especially if they belong to co-pilots who’re just dropping by for a drink. So for kriff’s sake, would you just-”

“Found a new boy, have you?” interrupted a stranger. An arm wrapped and tightened around Jaina’s waist. “Miss Strata, you heartbreaker.”

Jaina froze for hardly a second before she disappeared behind her mask. She turned as much as she could-the man must have had a very tight hold on her-and giggled ridiculously. “Joolu, really.”

The dangerous man, the one across whom Jaina had draped herself the previous night, bared his teeth, and winked at Zekk. “Sorry, boy. All the girls want the boss, but she has to prove herself first. You know how it is. Work your way from the bottom.”

Zekk had the sudden, near-overwhelming urge to smash Joolu’s head into the edge of the counter. Jaina stomped on Zekk’s foot immediately after, a warning as if she had caught the mental image. Zekk comforted himself that Joolu’s future jail mates would probably do far worse than Zekk ever could. The thought gave his smile a vicious edge that seemed to pass muster; Jaina’s foot eased off of his toes. “Perks of the job,” the dark-haired man conceded as blandly as possible.

Joolu’s smile became increasingly disturbing; Zekk knew this man’s type. “One of them.”

Jaina managed to turn around and place herself directly between Zekk and Joolu. “I’m just waiting for my drink. Did you want me to order you something while you settle in, babe?”

“You know what I like,” Joolu said-clearly an order-even as the full weight of his focus moved to Zekk. “But who’s this?”

Jaina’s eyes glided right over Zekk. “Just some-I don’t know.” She glanced at Zekk’s hands. “He never said. Pilot, grease monkey? Something boring.” She waved at the bartender, then somehow managed to sidle closer to Joolu. “I was only mocking his drink. Why don’t you-”

“I’ll do as I please,” Joolu snapped, carelessly pushing Jaina to the counter. “Who are you?” he demanded of Zekk.

Zekk almost reached up to steady Jaina, who had stumbled in her heels and tight dress, but caught himself at the last moment. “Rax Perl. Freelancer,” he answered, looking speculative. “Whatever gets the bills paid these days.”

Jaina’s elbow knocked Zekk’s drink almost into his lap. “Damn,” she said as he dodged the red liquid. It spattered on his left knee, and down to the floor by Jaina feet. “Sorry about that.” The familiar temper in her eyes assured him that it was accidental only in that he was not currently soaked in alcohol.

Joolu yanked at her hair; if it was supposed to look playful, Jaina’s grimace assured Zekk that it was not. “Now, now, Miss Lelo Strata. That sort of clumsiness won’t sit well with my employer. Try to make up for it soon.”

Jaina’s expression was bland. Zekk wondered that she didn’t throw Joolu across the room. “My arm slipped.”

“I’m sure,” Zekk muttered to her.

“I can’t abide clumsiness,” Joolu said, sliding his hand up to Jaina’s neck. “I do apologize for the girl; she’ll be punished. But a freelancer-looking for work now, I suppose.”

Zekk purposefully took a swallow of his drink, letting his rage simmer down to a controllable level, before he spoke. “I just finished a job,” he agreed.

Jaina’s drink finally came-a sparkling, violet concoction-and she took a deep gulp before murmuring Joolu’s order to the waiting bartender. Her eyes met Zekk’s; for the first time, she looked far more worried than angry. “So a girl has to prove herself, but the boss will let you hire anyone?” She pouted at Joolu.

“Work boys are simpler.” Joolu’s smile was razor sharp. “If it doesn’t work out, we’ll just shoot him.” He considered Zekk. “Then again, I’ll strangle you if you look at me wrong, so maybe it isn’t all that different.”

Zekk decided that he absolutely was not going anywhere, no matter how many death glares Jaina sent him. Even knowing that Kyp was somewhere in the background was not sufficiently reassuring. “Why don’t you let me know what kind of work you’d have me do, and I’ll tell you if it’s something I might have trouble with,” Zekk said, meeting Joolu’s eyes squarely.

Jaina downed her drink in one go, and was waving for a refill even before she had replaced her glass onto the counter.


Part Four

Cut!lyrics from Trigger Happy Jack by Poe.

star wars, fic: if you call, writing, myfic, jaina/zekk

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