Fic: "Fast as I Can" (16/20 J/Z AU)

Oct 20, 2008 22:04

Sorry about the delay! I haven't even had a real chance to do all my replies yet--agh, midterms/work, right?

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | Part Twelve | Part Thirteen | Part Fourteen | Part Fifteen


Day 373

The snow had abated only a little, but Zekk was too familiar with Jaina’s defiant streak not to expect her this time. He had told her to stay inside before she froze or drowned, but it must have only encouraged her. He felt surprisingly easy about that, but turned up the heater at the Flash for when she came for her threatened snow walk.

Despite his best intentions, when she finally arrived Jaina refused to wait long enough to dry out. Instead, she shoved some snow goggles into his hands and proceeded to drag him outside. The winds had eased somewhat, allowing for conversation without shouting. Zekk didn’t speak. Jaina only tucked her arm in his, and drifted into her own silence.

The top levels might still be encased in snow, but the lower levels were slowly emerging from their homes to see the planet’s natural winter. Only slow snowflakes were drifting down now, besides the occasional snowdrift pushed from the upper levels.

Jaina’s steps were awkward tasks, for all her balance and strength, not to mention her enthusiasm; her slight build was a significant obstacle, and her fingers stayed tight on Zekk’s arm for support. The arrangement was less helpful when they both stepped on an icy patch. Jaina alone might have recovered herself, or at least landed well, but Zekk had hardly started skidding before Jaina was jerked along and they both fell hard.

“Kriff,” he groaned. “Are you okay?”

She nodded, and then lost her composure into his side. Her laughter caught on, even with his probable bruises, and Zekk’s face turned close to hers, only to nearly get a mouthful of wet toque, which only made him laugh harder. “So much for Jedi reflexes,” he finally managed to say.

She gave him a light punch to the chest. “It was your fault. You started flailing around like a novice, and I couldn’t - Jerk.” But she stayed close, and he knew she was grinning up at him.

“We should probably get up before you sink.”

She sat up gingerly and stuck her tongue out at him. “I’m smaller than you, you’re more likely to sink than I am.”

“But you’d get lost, and then what kind of debut would I make in the tabloids? ‘Street kid tests Jedi air capacity under snow,’ or perhaps ‘Coruscanti snow planned to cover Jedi nobility assassination: Undercover Dark Jedi revealed.’”

“You are such a geek,” she informed him as she used his chest to stand up. Her mitt wiggled before him, and he took her hand up. “They’d swear up and down that since my break-up with - insert any name here - I’d given up on life, and committed suicide by defiant snowstorm.” She tilted her head. “You okay, by the way?”

Zekk tried to brush the snow off of his jacket before it melted. “I’m fine - nothing I can’t walk off. What about you?”

Jaina shrugged, still grinning. “I’m good. I’ve had worse workouts. You are covered in snow, though; I think it likes you. You aren’t too cold, right? Can’t have your fingers falling off.”

He brushed a patch of snow off her toque. “You’re smaller than I am; even a Jedi might find it difficult to fly without fingers.”

“I’d fly if I lost all four limbs, but I’m okay with the cold. I mean, I still need to borrow Kyp’s coat, but I can use the Force to help me, a little, to maintain my temperature. Hence my checking for you.”

Zekk’s head spun. “You…maintain your temperature. So you - you could not die, almost. I mean, barring extremes.”

“I can die from hypothermia just as quickly as you can; I just might feel more comfortable. And if I fool myself, I won’t last half so long.”

The wind seemed crueller, suddenly. “Maybe we should go inside, then. Hot drinks on me.”

Jaina’s cheeks were pinker than a moment before. “You’re sweet, but I really am fine. It’s easier to slip when you’re focused on a mission, or if you’re hurt, but I’m fine. Unless you’re actually cold, then we can head back.”

He looked away at her compliment, feeling suddenly warm. “I’m alright; I don’t have a problem with the cold.”

Jaina fished one of his hands out of his sleeve, and held it in hers. She was frowning a little. “You are, aren’t you?” she said, and there was something odd about the way she said it.

“Growing up in the lower levels,” he reminded her, “you toughen up quick, or don’t make it at all.”

Her eyes travelled from his hand up to his face. “But - ” She stopped. She was looking at him like he had a puzzle hidden up his sleeve, just out of her sight - then she shook her head. “Okay.”

He smiled at her. “Keep walking?”

“Keep walking.”

He forgot to let go of her hand until they were almost back at the Flash. Jaina either didn’t notice or didn’t mind; the smile never left her face - that might have been a reason for his inattention.

Part 17


And the fluff continues! Is anyone else weirded out that I'm writing fluff?

star wars, writing, myfic, fic: fast as i can, jaina/zekk

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