Oct 03, 2008 22:36

I'm just about to post the next FaIC installment, but while I deal with all the admin and the html and blah, I have to address this:

It’s the Day of German Unity, marking the 1990 reunification of East and West Germany. In our current period of global instability, do you ever feel nostalgic for the seeming simplicity of the Cold War?
(LJ's Writer's Block question of the day)

Dude, wtf? Nostalgic for the Cold War (or, you know, any war? or the multitude of wars that are grouped under the heading of "cold war"?)? Because of its simplicity? Because global instability is something new and so much worse omg than it ever was, now? And as if that's not stupid enough--who decided to ask a bunch of bloggers this question?

I will not be petty and mention how people like to say the CW hasn't even really ended with PUTIN and now GEORGIA and seriously THIS WAS A QUESTION?

I'm also going to be very shallow, and wonder why do these things always happen once I give up and get rid of my V for Vendetta tyranny icon? Bgah.

people hurt my head, history, misc

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