(no subject)

Sep 17, 2008 22:29

+ new layout: moonlightrick. Also, with lots of new icons. I <3 icons.

+ just started listening to Brendan James this morning, and I already love love to bits the music I've heard. Passenger also sounds promising; and Anouk and A Fine Frenzy = <3. No music is safe as I start on another newmusic!blitz.

+ I'm half-way through the climax/second last chapter of FaIC, which is...kind of bizarre. I'm 90% sure about the sequel, though, so as long as I figure out the basic plot (besides the obvious), I'll be 100% fine. I'm about six chapters ahead of my posting schedule, so I have a bit of time. Which is good, even if it throws me to have written these chapters a while ago and be already well past it. Like, Quec'slig, what? --Actually, I still really like that part. But.

+ music for FaIC! I might compile some of it for a post here, once I figure out if anything's actually spoilery, or if I'm writing this properly.

+ my crim 203 prof likes to ask a lot of a) really general, unspecific, unclear questions (eg., with little to no context, "so what might have - contributed, or what's going going on here?"); or b) really, really obvious/sometimes rhetoric-sounding questions (eg. "if the author is writing for the economics department, what do you think their focus is going to be?"). The switch between textbook-long and "duh" is going to be irritating, I think. Especially as the first class after waking up before 7am. Anyway.

music, lj, writing, school, fic: fast as i can

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