Kyp/Sanar OST#1: Villain

Aug 21, 2008 19:41

If you know anything about Kyp Durron and Sanar Klis' love story (and you probably do, if you're reading my lj), you know that they were never supposed to happen. Sanar was supposed to be a bit character; Dejarik was supposed to be a standalone fic; Kyp was suffering a case of death; and I was not crazy or stupid enough to pair up two such difficult and oft'times frustrating characters, let alone when one was responsible for the death of the other's beloved father. Yeah, kriff, no, thankyouverymuch.

Well, you might also know that my muses don't always generally usually listen to me. Especially when readers throw out a challenge like Kyp and Sanar as a romance. Because come on, talk about over a character's (read: Sanar's) dead body. I still believe that it wouldn't happen 9/10 with these two, with their backgrounds. In Always, however, they become one of the main otp's. Go figure.

You can read a bit more more about the characters' backgrounds here, and about the ship's history/my love for them here. And, of course, there's always the Always trilogy: Dejarik, Caught in the Rain, and In the Morning.

Otherwise, there's only technical details before the actual music:
Disclaimer: Kyp Durron belongs to George Lucas, as does the world that surrounds this pairing. Sanar Klis, her excessive baggage, and her world belong to me. All of the music is credited just below their lyrics.

Also, I do apologize for the banner.

I wanna kick at the machine
That made you piss away your dreams
And tear at your defences
Till there's nothing left but me
You're angry when you're beautiful
Your love is such a tease
I'm drowning in your dizzy noise
I wanna feel you scream
[dizzy; goo goo dolls]

This entire. Song. Is. Kyp/Sanar. Seriously. I mean, shameless much? But I picked just one of the verses. Because I had to. Anyway. Shipping at first listen, this song, I’m not even remotely exaggerating. Even pom agrees with me, even if she was laughed at me every single time I brought it up in my most enthusiastic shipper!author!diatribes.

I've woken now to find myself
In the shadows of all that I have created
I'm longing to be lost in you
(Away from this place I have made)
Won't you take me away from me
[away from me; evanescence]

If "Dizzy" is principally from Kyp's early days!POV, then this one is-to my mind-certainly Sanar's. Amusingly enough, I think it was also the Original K/S Shipper Song, waaaay back in 2002-2003. I was just starting to like Sanar, and happened to find these lyrics, and everyone was bugging me about K/S, and then I posted the lyrics and... Well. I think Kyp_Side squee’d for a while. And I firmly told myself that K/S was Not Going To Happen. Um. Yes. :P

You are there for me this I hope and pray
You will wait for me, I won’t be too late
What if I missed you
You got caught in the sun
What if I did something
Never to be enough
[caught in the sun; course of nature]

Sanar is waiting for her Dream Guy, of course. Which...complicates things, and makes things simpler in the Sanar way that they really, really do not.

If I am
Another waste of everything you dreamed of,
I will let you down
If I am
Only here to watch as you suffer,
I will let you down
[if i am; nine days]

Kyp won't let Sanar self-destruct, especially in the first two parts of "Always," which was a very high priority on his side when he was still ghosty. If she wants another example of life/men/everything-breaks-you, she's in for a disappointment. Of the best/healthiest kind.

Just as I thought it was going alright
I find out I'm wrong, when I thought I was right
s'always the same, it's just a shame, that's all
I could say day, you'd say night
tell it's black when I know that it's white
Truth is I love you
more than I wanted to
there's no point in trying to pretend
there's been no one who
makes me feel like you do
say we'll be together til the end
I could leave but I won't go
it'd be easier I know
[that’s all; genesis]

Kyp and Sanar fight a lot. In fact, some days (especially the early days), if Kyp told Sanar the sky was blue, she’d clobber him; they’re equally difficult. Jaina (not to mention anyone else who’s had to deal with Kyp on a bad day) loves to point and laugh, but, really, poor Kyp :P

Come on and lay it down
I’ve always been with you
Here and now
Give all that’s within you
Be my saviour
And I’ll be your downfall

Yeah, be my saviour
(only love can save us now)
(don’t lay me down)
(only love can save us now)
I’ll be your downfall (I’ll be your downfall)
(ah, love can save us now)
(don’t save me now)
[downfall; matchbox twenty]

If you want more Kyp/Sanar music, matchbox twenty’s album more than you think you are (as well as, um, all of them) has so much of the Kyp/Sanar backbone, right along with the Goo Goo Dolls. Could I Be You ran all through Caught in the Rain in the way that lands on the playlist/“soundtrack” for said fic, You’re So Real is for Sanar, and Hand Me Down for some of this couple’s most tender moments. There is much restraint in this music listing, I assure you.

When where we've been has left us burned
Still I won't turn now from a fight you know I'll never win
So when I see you, you know all the things I've done
Well I'm blinded
Like I'm staring down the sun
[blinded (when i see you); third eye blind]

Some-okay, a lot-of these songs I pick for the big picture. I picked this one because of several small sections of perfect lyrics. Here's a link for the complete lyrics.

And all the roads that lead to you were winding
And all the lights that light the way are blinding
There are many things that I would like to say to you
I don't know how
[wonderwall; oasis]

Most. Overused. Soundtrack. Song. On. This. List. I know. Does it help if I say I'm sorry?

Why d'ya have to be so cute?
It's impossible to ignore you
Must you make me laugh so much
It's bad enough we get along so well
Say goodnight and go
[goodnight and go; imogen heap]

Before Sanar gets the Ultimate Reason to not love Kyp Durron-that is, because someone told her she had to-she was starting to laugh a little too long, watch a little too much, and forgive a few too many sins. (After Niha, she tried not to think about that, too much. She missed him anyway.)

I hate the way you look, I'm looking back
I hate the way I look, you're looking too
I think maybe I'm just falling, falling, falling
And you kiss me like you know inside of me
And you watch me fight my own insanity
And I feel like I'm a villain Jesus said would never ever leave us
And I'm stronger now than I ever was before
[villain; hedley]

I named the soundtrack for this song. This should tell you something. Like this song is a lot of Kyp/Sanar in one song.

I am a vision
I am justice
Never thought that I could love
Living in shadows
Fading existence
It was never good enough
Within the darkness
You are the light that shines the way
But you're trapped in violence
I can be the man who saves the day

Someone's changed me
Something's saved me
And this is who I am
Although I was blinded
My heart let me find out
That truth makes a better man
[for you; the calling]

Kyp, and Kyp & the Kavishka, and of course Kyp & Kavishka & Sanar. Kyp may have been a little ahead of Sanar when they met up, as far as reaching for redemption goes, but that road is never over; and K/S is all about redemption. In case you missed that part, in Always’ 900+ pages ;p

Wait, I thought I had this down
I built all my cages and my hide out
I covered all my bases
But you
You creep in like a whisper
I try not to listen but I hear you
I don't know just what it is you do
But do it again

I'm amazed
When push comes to shove what I'd give to you
[amazed; poe]

This song is all Sanar, and her final confession of love in Chapter Thirty Eight: In the Morning. This one, of course, and the next:

All this time I've loved you
And never known your face
All this time I've missed you
And searched this human race
Here is true peace
Here my heart knows calm
Safe in your soul
Bathed in your sighs
Wanna stay right here
Until the end of time
'Til the earth stops turning
Gonna love you until the seas run dry
I've found the one I've waited for
[gorecki; lamb]

I love this song for so many reasons-because it’s just beautiful, because there’s a lovely and poignant couple of bars of it in Moulin Rouge-and it only means that much more because it was running constantly through my mind as Sanar finally reconciled her “dream!guy,” her daddy!guilt, and her love for Kyp.

Tell me we were meant
To be a happy accident
Would you cry if I said it
Would you get it if I told you
That I want you and I need you
Aw, that wouldn’t say enough
Hell I love you
How bout that yeah

If I throw myself over the edge
If I find myself in over my head
If I shatter from the fall and I lose
I’d still want to swan dive - into you
[swan dive; sister hazel]

No regrets. None. Ever.



(She is the one), all that I wanted,
(she is the one), and I will be haunted,
(she is the one), this gift is my curse for now.
I see your face with every punch I take,
and every bone I break, it's all for you.
And my worst pains are words I cannot say,
Still I will always fight on for you. Fight on for you
[gifts and curses; yellowcard]

Kyp Durron, after the fall. Someone has to finish it off, and Kyp’s redemption has always been more of a work in progress.

Someone told me that love would all save us.
But how can that be?
Look what love gave us.
A world full of killing, and blood-spilling,
that world never came.

And they say that a hero can save us.
I'm not gonna stand here and wait.
I'll hold on to the wings of the eagles.
Watch as we all fly away.
[hero; chad kroeger, feat. josey scott]

Each song is linked under the title, if you want to download them separately. Otherwise, there's a full rar file of the complete playlist.

Holy kriff, that's been on my computer for a long time.

P.S. - also? dedicated to penny-lane-42, because she hinted for it, and any of the readers who shipped these two. Obviously.

kyp/sanar, author mixes, music, writing, in the morning, always

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