And the marble count keeps falling

Jun 19, 2008 22:53

I would like to state, for the record, that if I end up writing in the Doctor Who fandom like I did for SW, I am going to lose my marbles. Heads may roll (though, preferably not Rose or the Doctor's, because they both have it tough enough).

That said, I'm totally writing a happier (?) follow-up to "Constant Satellites." Well, I say totally: I mean if I can write Ten. Which, quite possibly, I can't. I tried today, and it was...interesting. Pickled hands and faces were mentioned. (And you probably think I'm kidding.) For the sake of the fic, and for me being able to keep writing (because dear God have I missed it), I'm hoping that the bit I wrote can be pushed off and reworked for a more "Constant Satellite" style--I got rather involved in making Ten happy after all the crap s3 and s4 have dealt him. Laughter is good, but not exactly...right away, writing-wise. But, on the subject of me writing this fandom, let's face it: Doctor Who? Much crackier than anything I usually write. So maybe I'll be able to keep my remaining marbles.

This is my excuse to say: SATURDAY, OMG. TURN LEFT. AND. AND. OMG. YESSSS.

...However, TCM has two new names: Lucy (protagonist) and Thomas (dead bf! or. well. not-Jonathan). Ha! It amuses me to name Jonathan Thomas, like the Biblical sceptic, considering. Annie-->Lucy is probably appropriate, there, though I kind of generally like the name. And the fact that I won't have to type "and Anna," or "Anna and", because...yeah.

writing, tc&m, doctor who

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