School, writing, & misc fandom

May 08, 2008 21:59

...that title sounds like a synopsis of this journal, actually.

1) SFU finally got for-sure back to me, and I'm enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts program, there, from which I can switch into the crim program once I've completed all the upper level pre-req's. Which is good, because I was worried that they'd be bureaucratic, and I might miss out on a semester because I'm no good at the application process. RIP Douglas years.

2) Shamelessly stealing an idea from penny_lane_42, I now have too many lists of character "canon" points, which are more like rambling paragraphs, and are not so much limited by the number 5. It's kept me busy at work, though, and pushed me back into writing when I've been sort of slugging through lately. So I'll probably be posting some of those over the next week or so--Always and original-work characters, generally, though who knows if I'll slip into other fandoms.

3) Following the previous writing point, I've also been playing around a bit with some Isra-related writing--half ost, half short stories, AU scenarios, and such. I have a playlist of Isra-music that plays on for hours, so I may as well throw it out in this journal. Hey, there'll even be some Isra/Gaffil stuff? Of course, now that I've talked about Isra-fic, I've totally jinxed it.

4) After flipping through some of the crap that's been published, I almost think I could manage it. Which is...disconcerting.

5) Doctor Who: is basically awesome this season. I love Donna, who is funny and uncomplicated and promising after Martha's season-long head-bashing crush on the Doctor. Also: Rose! <3

6) FYI, crack_van is good for fanfic recs, as evidenced by my 16 open tags. (I kid you not.)

7) Jim and Pam are so freaking adorable. My love knows no bounds although future Doctor/Rose may steal first place--they are the stuff of legend, after all.

writing, school, misc

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