eh, wtf now?

Feb 05, 2008 23:49

23% of Britons think Churchill and Florence Nightingale are myths, and 58% believe Sherlock Holmes to be real

Even taking into account the number of people who must have been joking...seriously?

Also: don't you love when you completely forget about an assignment until 10pm the night before? Completely. And it's the day you're exhausted, too, of course. I love school.

edit because *snorfle*:

In a new e-mail from my school: Advertising for Valentine's Day ~*Events*~, including theme table displays from:

* AIDS Vancouver
* OPT Sexual Health Services
* Canadian Blood Services
* Counselling Services Office

I mean. Yes, great, excellent, education and all that. But is there *anything* less romantic than STDs? But I'm glad they're catering to the lonely, envious, I'm-not-part-of-a-couple-watch-my-heart-bleed sector. Counselling is good for that. Oh, and did you notice the blood -> heart -> valentine's day connection? Very suave.

Everything is funny when you're tired and getting sick, but stuck writing a mini paper. Yes.

But the AIDS display is still funny.


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