Dec 08, 2007 21:07
So it turns out I had even less time left on my paid account than I thought. *sulks* And they took my icons! Also, I'd love to know *how* they pick which icons remain active--they aren't the most recent ones, nor the most used ones; they pick the ones you've had uploaded for a while now because they're so Pretty, or Representative, or Not You But Gorgeous Anyway, and then you never use them--only once, if that, because they aren't lj-comfortable. So you have to delete a whole bunch of icons--even though, theoretically, they could stay there and posted up where you've used them--so that you can get to the ones that you actually use. The ItM/Always icons have pretty much all been deleted--I don't use them anymore, obviously--but now all my talk about them/usage of them at appropriate Prophecy or Vengeance chapter entries is wasted. *sigh*
And don't get me started on the ads :'(
Otherwise, I think I'll finally get around to posting all these character "ost's" that I've been collecting, if only for my own sanity--Photoshop is gone now, so no banners or anything (probably for the best), but lots of songs. You think I'm joking. There are a *lot* of songs. Music and characters and writing are very intertwined for me--soundtracks are a sign of success.
P.S. You would not *believe* how much food people buy for Christmas. I mean, really. For four hours (my shift today at Safeway), we were permanently in need of checker's assistance. Omg.