News from the Erin front

Oct 28, 2007 21:07

.: In a rather lucky twist, I did well on my midterms. I'm still waiting on one more mark (for the poli sci midterm, about which I was the most apathetic, so I'm expecting it to be not as great), but the four marks I have are an A- average (ranging from 85%-88%), and two of those marks were the top grades in my class (Canadian Legal System, and Intro to Crim). The last two meant the most, too--one is my favourite class, with my favourite prof, and the other has a slightly-scary prof who scared me right out of my wits about the midterm. So: happy.

.: My pay rate has been upped from $8.75/hr to $9/hr. So: $1-2 more per week?

.: The Always-epilogue is coming. Slowly but surely. I even got emotional! Poor ___ & ___. I'm considering the idea of splitting it up in two parts--"GFFA" persons in one, and "NLY" in the other. It's long-ish, and going to take a while, after all. So: split, or all at once? (thoughts?)

.: I have two papers due this week :( So: lots of chocolate.

.: In completely random contrast to the rest of this post, I'm thinking of chopping off all my hair. Any haircut suggestions for someone who is very lazy, who hates hair spray (and gel), and whose hair is very fine/volume-less? So: ponytail or nothing.

.: What the hell, while I'm off topic. S4 of BSG does not start until April (warning for some spoilers in the link). So: I am not going to start swearing over you, RTD, but I would really like to say something here that is not!Erin. Also, you suck and are stupid and I really don't like you right now.

school, work, always, life

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