"gone a bit wrong" is something of an understatement

Jul 11, 2007 09:49

Ladies and gentlement, there may be a serious problem on my end. "Serious problem" being that my computer's hard drive *may* have just crashed without any warning. Literally, no warning. It was perfectly fine last night. Perfectly fine until it froze this morning, leading me to restart it, and then there was "media detection failure" and "Operating System Not Found" in my startup screen, and no way for me to actually get to my files. Just stuck in pre-sign in, pre-anything I can do.

Should I mention that I was *very* busy writing during my vacation? Three and a half new chapters--three that made up the bulk of the story's climax--but only half of that was written in my notebook, a lot of changes occurred when I transcribed it, and most of the major scenes were put down in electronic type. Seeing as I just got back from vacation, and I'm also not used to having so much extra story hanging around in my "ItM" file...none of the new work is backed up.

So. Um. This has the potential to really, really, *really* suck.

writing, stupid frakking technology, life

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