The Masterlist of Erin's Fics

Jun 19, 2007 15:19

Thanks to the site-eating Sitesled, it's possible I missed a short fic somewhere. If so, poke me ;) Anyway, here they all are - from the improving to the ones I wish I had left in Word. Fics from October 2002 to June 2008. Um, that's a lot of fanfic.

Star Wars

YJK AU; drama, fantasy, romance, some action. COMPLETE.
Jaina/Zekk, Kyp/Sanar/?, Miko/Krista, Veras/Braun, (implied) Lera/Nichyn, Isra/Gaffil, Zekk/Perdita, Clayra/Gantik, Cerasy/Tiran
Series Awards/Nominations: nominated for WFFA '04 Readers' Choice series, nominated for WFFA '05 Best Series

Always I: Return of the Jedi (aka. Dejarik)
rated PG-13.
WFFA '02: Readers' Choice AU
WFFA '03: nominated for: Best Novel, Best Original Character in a Leading Role (Sanar Klis), and Best Overall Story of the Winter

Always II: Caught in the Rain
rated PG.
SFFA '04: nominated for: Best Drama and Best Portrayal of an OC (Sanar Klis)
WFFA '04: nominated for Readers' Choice: Original Character, Female (Sanar Klis); Original Character, Male (Devnos Klis); Canon Interpretation, Male (Zekk); Canon Interpretation, Female (Jaina Solo); Non-Jedi, Female (Cerasy)

Always III: In the Morning
rated PG-13.
WFFA '05: nominated for: Best Original Character, Male (Nichyn Whilem); Best Ensemble Cast; Best Original Character, Female (Sanar Klis).


A Dark AU of "Always." Jaina/Onyx. "Always" not required reading.
SFFA '05: nominated for Best Vignette

A Dark AU of "Always." Jaina/Onyx (sequel to "Chill")

Cut scene from ch. 29 of "In the Morning."  Dejah and Teigra.

Those Who Smile A Lot (Watch the Eyes)
Krista pre-CitR short story. Includes the Harif brothers, a lot of boyfriends, Jaina Solo, and Miko Reglia.

NJO AU. Angst, drama, suspense. Jaina Solo, Tiran Lee-droy, Garik Klamath, OC's, etc.

Book I: Die Another Day -- COMPLETE
SFFA '04: nominated for Best Completed

Important note: This series has been terminated. Although I truly regret it, I do not have the time to continue this trilogy, or its sequel trilogy. However, you can still enjoy "Die Another Day", if you're willing to overlook a few remaining questions, and that cliffhanger epilogue. D.A.D. is really just the intro to the world, and mostly stands on its own to feet :)

Jaina/Zekk, friendship, humour, romance.
all rated G.

By My Side

Friendly Observations


Three Weeks

Darker Stories/Dark Romances

SFFA '04 Best Short Story

Holding My Last Breath
SFFA '04 Best Vignette

Sides of a Coin

I'll Come For Thee By Moonlight
Kyp/Sanar. So AU.

rated PG-13.
Kyp/Jaina Romance [multi-part novella]
SFFA '04 - nominated for Best Songfic

Kyp/Jaina romance

AU inspired by "Always." Jaina/Onyx

Miscellaneous Multiple-Post Stories

From Dream to Dream -- on indefinite hiatus

Walking Behind
Zekk and/or Jaina/Zekk poetry

Fast As I Can
Jaina/Zekk AU. COMPLETE! Also available here on LJ
WFFA '05: nominated for: Best Canon Interpretation (Jaina Solo)

If You Call
Jaina/Zekk AU. Sequel to Fast as I Can. Complete.
You can also read this on LJ

But You And I Know the Reason Why
Jaina, Jaina/OC AU. Prequel to Fast As I Can and If You Call.  Jaina, ages 9-18.


Ghosts of the Future: the Unofficial Continuation of the YJK Series
Written with: Eleven_Jedi_Maiden, Jaina_Fel_06, LadyMairead, NaboosPrincess, Rogue_of-Peace, and The_Standmaiden
Regrettably, this collab is currently and indefinitely on hiatus. Thank you so much to everyone who has been reading it!


Right Here All Along

Out of Bounds

Childhood Monster



Maybe It Was the Lighting
Saria (Jaina's daughter)/Trin (Zekk's son)

Pixie Dust
Jaina & Saria

also archived with cover art by boushh
Jacen/Tenel Ka
SFFA '04: nominated for Best Vignette

WFFA '04 - nominated for Readers' Choice Songfic

Once Upon a Time
Padme's POV just before her death

For the Glory of the Empire

anonymous OC

*All awards/nominations are from the JCF boards.

Veronica Mars

*all three are rated R for language, thematic elements, and (non-explicit) sexual content

AU, angst, drama, suspense. Lilly Kane, Veronica Mars, Logan Echolls, Aaron Echolls, Lilly/Aaron, Lilly/Logan, Lilly/Weevil, Logan/Veronica(?)

The Fabulous Life Of

The Mansion You Remember
sequel to "The Fabulous Life Of"

The Truth Shall So Totally Not Set You Free
sequel to "The Mansion You Remember"

Doctor Who

Constant Satellite
Rose Tyler post-Doomsday. Mickey Smith, Pete Tyler, Adam Mitchell, etc; Rose/The Doctor, some Rose/OC. Many spoilers for anything up to Doomsday, and spoilers for the s4 midseason trailer, as well as 4x01, and for an interview given by Billie Piper in DWM about Rose's character upon return.

Remember, everyone *loves* reviews if people read. So if you do, and you haven't, you should.

And can I just say again, how much of my life have I spent on fanfic?

PS. Other Stuff.

My profile.
never as up-to-date as JCF (ff.n makes me headachey), but...more organized for you? And some of the work has a little extra editing, since it was added years after I originally updated on JC.

LJ memory filters
writing # sw
writing # vm
anything that shows up on lj that I thought warrented a find-able link (eg. posts, snippets, or the occasional essay in "writing") shows up in here. Hopefully. Sometimes?

star wars, writing, doctor who, myfic, veronica mars

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