so lj got the overhaul

Jun 12, 2007 00:54

Hey, new layout/mood theme :D

In my search for procrastination/non-work things, my userinfo might get a long overdue edit. I've only really been adding the occasional, random sentence to it since I started this journal, so :p

PS. it might not be *quite* as rampant before (it was taking to long to get me to the point where I could use them), but some of my icon choices/uploads lately have been significantly influenced by ItM's upcoming conclusion. I'm very shallow; I want the ItM climax to come *just* so I can use this-icon, that-icon, and ooooh-that-just-fits-*so*-well-how-could-I-forget-it? In the interest of at least small lj updates/online presence while I work through ItM, I'm also considering spreading out small chunks of significant--or not, in my tricky, misleading way--lyrics, quotes, etc, that either inspired, or were cut from the actual writing. Y/N?


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