short update of misc

Apr 24, 2007 12:48

- Called my neighbour (who's in charge of the employment) about the safeway!job, and it would seem I almost definitely have a job (which I'll...probably start next week). I'm so uninspired to start working again--even if it'll be just 3-4 shifts a week--but my parents have been nagging, and even if I *can* pay for next year, I suppose I should be working again. Just, sigh. And especially after getting worked up about the BPJ.

- I'm listening to Pink right now. It makes me so nostalgic :P (Also: "You Make Me Sick" = I/G, and "Can't Take Me Home" = crack!I/G, lol)

- Goal for today: finish writing ch. 41/planning up to ch.45 of ItM.

- For first project:publication!novel, I'm almost settled on the 'twisted cliche' one. I'm just kind of worried that HP doesn't...stand on its own enough, or create enough impact as a first novel, never mind that it isn't quite my usual style. The Anne story is a little more my typical novel? Or at least opens up windows for the casual series. Yay for direction and plotting?

- I am feeling too lazy even to properly finish this post :P

TV shows I want to watch this summer:
Ugly Betty (okay, replace "want to" with "have bee ordered to"... ;))
Friday Night Lights
Dr. Who (classic seasons, since I'm almost caught up on the new series)
Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip

music, writing, work, life

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