ET has come home.

Jan 04, 2007 00:27

Home now. The drive back had to be split in two days, since the highway was closed, and the roads were not!fun both halves of the trip, but...home.

So, e-mails, comments, phone calls, etc, etc, will start being dealt with tomorrow, and I might even get some kind of 'christmas break' lj post up sometime this week :P Here's hoping!

  1. Finish up betaing / PM author
  2. call Katie / schedule meeting before school starts
  3. call Annette / schedule meeting before school starts
  4. meet up with Merisha - anthro text, starbucks and/or mall?
  5. e-mail y2 to hopefully meet somewhere between catching up, Katie, Annette, Merisha
  6. buy bus pass
  7. buy anth/religion text (by next Friday)
  8. unpack :P
  9. double-check everything for school
  10. finish next chapter of ItM
  11. finish next post of FaIC? maybe?
  12. catch up on everything lj
  13. eply to e-mails
  14. reply to comments
  15. finish planning ItM climax (!!!!!)
  16. write, write, write (before school gets crazy)
  17. watch more x-files?
  18. kill brain dead with the many box-sets I got for Christmas/borrowed from my uncle :D Oh, my brain is definitely dead now :p
  19. finish s4 of 24 :D/li>
  20. depending on how quickly #19 is completed, maybe watch s5 of 24?
  21. ...and s6 when it starts? *will be braindead very very shortly :P*
  22. I know this list should be longer :p

to-do list, writing, life, random, misc

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