Pride & Prejudice fanfic recs

Dec 19, 2006 13:54

First of all, a Jane Austen fanfic site that had a surprising amount of quality fanfic. A few toads, of course, but they're far outnumbered. Just in case anyone was looking for a site.

Secondly, recs :D

An Unexpected Song by Rika
Summary: The story of a different sort of modern-day Darcy-one who frequently wears white tie and tails, who has long, sensitive fingers and a touch of artistic temperament, and who knows the difference between Schubert and Schumann.
Status: WIP (relatively steady updates, though, and...near-ish to the end?)
Reccer's Note: So dancinggoldfish already knows about this one, but...seriously, guys. I don't care if you've never read P&P, have no clue who Lizzy, Darcy, and Jane are. This fic stands on its own as an excellent 21st century romance, let alone fanfic. The love story is real; Lizzy and Darcy get on each other's nerves, fight, and have to deal with class differences. I have no idea why Rika is writing fanfic and not publishing, but...yay for us. AUS follows more of the spirit of P&P than the actual story line--Darcy's love is reciprocated far earlier, for example, but this should be on a Reading List somewhere. The story site offers both a PG-13 and an R version, so no one's left out :)

Love and Other Accidents by paperclipz
Summary: A modern P and P. Darcy and Bingley are musicians trying to find material for their new album in a rural college town...where they meet the Bennet twins who are surviving college together. Lizzy's a photographer, and Jane's a med student.
Reccer's Note: So, let's face it. Most modern renditions of P&P are horrendous, Mary Sues, OOC, in possession of only a drop of originality (omg, I'm calling Charlotte Char!!111 and she doesnt marry collins cuz he's stupid!!1), but this one *works*. Darcy, Bingley, and Richard actually fit as a rock band, and the conflict between their fame and the Bennets normaldom gives a new, but still parallel look at Darcy and Lizzy's differences. Better still, the author is unflinching. Lizzy and Darcy do not fall madly in love--or even feel a *zing!soulmate!* at first meeting--within seconds; and paperclipz lets them fight as 21st century Lizzy and Darcy should. The ending is, of course, happily ever after--sort of--but true to the modern setting as well as the book. In short, an *exellent* response to P&P, in a modern setting.
Don't make me choose between this one and AUS. AUS will probably win, but they're two very different beasts.

A Bit of Advice by DJ Clawson
Summary: Three days before his wedding, Bingley goes to the only man who can give him the advice he needs: the unfortunate Mr. Darcy.
R/N: Don't read this one in, for example, a library, or late at night while people in the next room are sleeping. You will laugh. A lot. ;)

Till There Was You by Annie
Summary: Elizabeth Bennet grows up as the daughter of the Darcy's coachman, and from the age of nine has been in love with Colonel Fitzwilliam.
R/N: Quite simply, with a little name tweaking, this probably could have been published. Probably the best P&P (period, not that LaOA or AUS are really AU's) AU I've ever read--and they make the bulk of what I read in this fandom. It *is* Lizzy/Darcy, of course, but Annie deals with Lizzy/Richard and all the other relationships in a wonderful way. The writing, plotting and characterizations are all solid, and the last third of the fic wins at life.

It Might Be You by Annie
Summary: Elizabeth Darcy's one-time fiancé, Lord Robin the Earl of Denby, from "Till There Was You", loses his fortune and with the help of the Darcys tries to build it back again. Meanwhile, he has not forgotten the red-headed siren, 'Ophelia'.
R/N: I am one of those sad little people who writes way too many OC's in fanfic while generally skipping over fics that have too many unfamiliar faces. I loved the prequel of this fic, however, and decided to give this one a chance. Notice, please, that it's part of my top 6.

Favourites, if not the must-reads-no-matter-what-your-fandom of top6

An Arranged Marriage by Jan H
Summary: After her father's unexpected death, Elizabeth marries a man she doesn't love. Except it's Darcy, so we all know how *this* turns out ;p
R/N: I re-read this fic while making my recs list, and...almost made "top 6" the "top 7." It's that good. The author makes the 'arranged marriage' cliche work, and work well.

Crossing Paths by Cheryl K
Summary: On her first anniversary, Mrs. Elizabeth Darcy goes for a walk in the garden, but on returning to Pemberley, she finds things are not as they were when she left.
R/N: Another fic re-read. I swear, I'm getting more out of this list than any one else will :P I usually dislike this kind of fic, and the beginning was weak enough to almost make me click back, but I loved it.

From Lambton to Longbourn by Abigail R.
Summary: After hearing of Lydia's disgrace, Darcy lingers at the Lambton Inn, allowing Elizabeth and him to begin to understand one another.

Correspondence and Courtship by Crysty
Summary: Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy begin a correspondence after meeting each other in London. Though they write, they do not even know each other's full name.
R/N: This fic always feels a bit like a guilty pleasure :p It's fluffy, slightly ooc, not exactly p&p, but still fun. Lizzy and Darcy don't *always* have to have a difficult start, do they?

Too Clever By Half by Skylar
Summary: After a brief battle of wits, Darcy and Elizabeth share their first kiss.

Of Sense and Education by Eleanor
Summary: After tragedy strikes the Bennets in unfair proportions Elizabeth feels compelled to begins work as a governess in London, she is surprised to find out who her employer is.
R/N: What P&P recs list would be complete without the governess cliche? ;p

Marry in Haste, Repent At by Daniella Harwood
Summary: The marriage of the Age has ended in tragedy. Countess Saffron Walden, once Elizabeth Bennet, comes home to Hertfordshire disillusioned of love. Darcy helps her to forget the villain that was her first husband.

Traveling by Post by Gaby A.
Summary: On a hurried trip to London, Darcy finds himself traveling by post. To his surprise, Miss Elizabeth Bennet is among his fellow travelers, and she has recently been in Derbyshire.
Favourite Line: “He may be far from being a perfect man, but he is the perfect one for me.”

I have a list of about a dozen other fics, all of them worth a second reading, but these are the favourites. Enjoy :D

Next up: (probably) Buffy.

fanfic, recs

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