Schedule of Academia [and everything else that will make me go crazy]

Sep 22, 2006 13:10

work 3-11:30pm

work 2:30-11pm

history readings
geology lab exam [timescale]

chinese exam + unit 2 homework due [24 characters x 64 + worksheet]

history presentation [war's origins: marxist-leninist pov; w/jenny]
geology paper presentation due ['s really bad that I'm still somewhere around the "?!?!?!?!!?????????" stage, isn't it?]
geology readings [approx. 40 pages of Greek]
anthropology reading + start on paper

english essay #1 rough draft due [peer edit; final copy due next thursday]
start on geology, anthropology, history, english (research + final draft essay #1) papers [in this order]

...see y2? maybe? [if i am not completely insane]

work [i assume]

1. memorize geological time scale
2. complete history readings from blue and from white texts
3. see 1. because it's going to take a while.
4. complete modl 1191 unit 2 hw
5. study for modl test
6. geology paper proposal
7. complete geology reading
8. double-check everything re:history presentation [since it's more or less complete now]
9. complete anthropology reading
10. complete english essay #1 draft
11. anthropology paper [should be easy, so get it out of the frakking way]
12. complete english essay #1 final copy
13. complete chapter 31 of itm
14. complete more planning of itm
15. work
16. tell lois that it might be best to just stay with one shift per week?
17. book off busy days/times at work
18. change lj layout


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