I'm back!

Aug 28, 2006 17:24

The trip was awesome but exhausting, a roller coaster broke my glasses, I took a gazillion photos, we crammed way too much into two weeks, I hate one-way streets, I fell in love with Kingston (& subsequently Queen's) and Toronto was pretty cool too and now I think I have to go to an eastern school, I got deregistered from my Chinese class while I was gone (amazing as it was, our vacation was so inconveniently timed), my paranoia imagined me fired, I came back to an almost-nine-hour-shift, Richtree is a marche' is perhaps the BEST restaurant I've ever eaten at (we ate their three times in four days, which should tell you something), I have a new story (hey, it was almost two), and...

And I have so much to deal with before classes start next week. Seriously. I shouldn't even be on lj :p. Maybe later this week? *HUGS YOU ALL* Missed you guys :D

To Do List
1. Arrange for/take assessment for MODL 1191
1b. Call Registrar's Office so they can unblock me from MODL 1191, and I can stay in my Chinese class. Even if I'm absolutely *insane* to take it.
2. Go to work tomorrow, 2:30-11pm
2b. Get paycheques.
3. Go to orientation session Wednesday.
3b. Get student ID.
3c. Buy textbooks (at both campuses, yaaaaaaaay).
4. Buy school supplies.
5. Clean room.
6. Unpack.
7. Transfer ItM's new chapter (!!!!!) to Moo.
8. Do tours of both campuses so I'm not panicking on the first day.
9. Figure out/memorize schedule and class room #, etc, etc.
10. Work Saturday and Sunday (both shifts 3:30-11:30pm, ew)
11. Go to some orientation sessions, ip?
12. Upload aforementioned gazillion photos to Moo.
12b. Label/resize photos, and delete any "what was I thinking?" pics.
13. Research Queen's and U of T.
14. Figure out scholarship info ($1000 in the mail :D :D :D)
15. Type up plot summary/info for new story.
16. Catch up on flist. Hit 840 and gave up :P
17. Reply to e-mails and comments.
18. Start running.
19. Remember what I've forgotten on this list :S

to-do list, school, work, life, random, scholarships, misc

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