025 - [Voice]

Aug 03, 2010 17:37

Alright, time to listen up, people. Most of you assholes managed to not mess up during that last battle. We'll credit that to your special powers, especially our good pal with the red underwear. Lucky us most of you knew how to fight and that the chumps we were up against got their weapons from a metal scrap heap. So good job to everyone who managed to avoid getting killed. Those of you did, well, you'll be back. Dying here's no big deal, so don't get all weepy eyed about it.

Now, there's people here who can't fight or could use more practice. Our old buddy Alexei had this idea about getting some people together to actually teach these people. Well, since he ain't here, I'll be doing that. So if you want to sign up, do it here. Let me know what you can do, too. Since not everyone can shoot lasers out of their eyes or throw a car, might want to make sure you have real skills you can pass on to people. Those are more handy in the long run.

As for people who want to learn, I'm not the one to talk to. That'll be Buffy.

[ooc: This is a follow up of Alexei's recruitment post a month or so ago. Those who signed up are listed here. Ideally your character should ICly sign up here too.]

[voice], teaching

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