018 - [Action/Voice]

May 02, 2010 12:17

[Now that his wife is around, Goroh is spending a lot less time walking around aimlessly in Luceti and more time in actual training. Like hell if he's going to let her get the better of him in this place, where he has the advantage of being around longer. So he's picked himself a nice, secluded spot in the woods west of C3 to practice his swordplay. Of course no one will be there to see it, but Goroh is proving that he's more than just talk as he executes some extremely refined cuts, jabs, and slices with his blade. How is he doing this? He brought a basket of vegetables in a basket and is slicing them in mid air into nicely cut pieces into another basket, making a nice salad for later.

Later on, he'll be hauling a basket full of sliced veggies on his way back home, where he plans to abandon it outside of C2 for anyone who wants to bother with it. He already had his share. Later on, after some aimless wandering around town to find a white haired boy named Riku, he'll sit himself outside of C2 (next to his veggie basket) and open up his journal for a few messages.]

[Filtered to Nami 100%]

You about ready for that talk?

[Open Message]

To-may-toes or to-mah-toes? Which one is it?

this is how you make salad, *nami, *joshua, *litchi, *yuffie, stupid questions, *aerith, *buffy, [voice], *bang, [action], *selphie, *emony dax

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